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KOLOKOL Flammer og Farger LPnowa!

20-01-2012, 19:08
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Koniec: 25-01-2012 20:41:17
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Kolokol „Flammer og Farger“ LP

Coś dokładnie dla fanów SO MUCH HATE, czy KAFAKA PROCESS.

Kolokol from Oslo/Norway continue the tradition of superb and original Norwegian hardcore-bands. Classical 80´s Norway-hardcore sometimes reminding of fantastic groups like So much hate, Angst, Kort Prosess, Svart Framtid and Bannlyst. After two singles it is their first long-player containing 14 absolutely incredible songs: fast and angry hardcore always being melodic combined with a voice not just one time reminding of Gunnar from So much hate giving the complete sound a very special notion. Technically very well played ass-kicking midtempo-sound, rumbling baselines and great melodies being catchy and bulky at the same time. An absolutely wonderful album reanimating the 80´s by being lively and fresh enough never to forget it is 2007. It is one of the most infectious hardcore records of the recent years and by far not only for anachronistic people living in old times.
Kolokols lyrics as well are up to date. The Norwegian lyrics are about political topics like environmental destruction, poverty, exploitation and war. The LP has a wonderful artwork: it has a coloured 24 pages booklet with a lot of graphics, all lyrics, translations and a lot of informations!]

„Killer! An exceptional 14-Track-LP of world-class Hardcore from Norway!“ (Maximum Rock`n`Roll Magazin)

After two EPs, this is Kolokol’s 1st full length. Great Norwegian hardcore. This is a limited one time press of 600 copies which comes with a 24 page off set printed, black and white booklets on heavy stock. Musically, they could considered close to Swedish thrashers Svärt Snö, but without all the stylistic hang-ups associated with Swedish hardcore: production is super clean, but with no hint of metal whatosever.

Płyta jest nowa, nie odtwarzana, nie słuchana, nie widziała gramofonu! Polecam!
Mogę wysłać za pobraniem, wtedy koszt wysyłki wynosi 13 zł. A przy wcześniejszej wpłacie na konto wysyłka kosztuje 7 zł. 

Zapraszam na inne moje aukcje - wspólna wysyłka zawsze kosztuje mniej!

KOLOKOL Flammer og Farger  LPnowa!

Dodano 2[zasłonięte]009-12 17:42