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Kolekcja kart Magic w tym kilka wartosciowych bcm

01-06-2014, 3:03
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Najwyzsza cena licytacji: zł      Aktualna cena: 81.01 zł     
Użytkownik Olo_lo10
numer aukcji: 4263865525
Miejscowość Warszawa
Licytowało: 9    Wyświetleń: 165   
Koniec: 01-06-2014 03:11:37
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Mam do zaoferowania kolekcje 420 kart Magic w stanie mint i 150 używanych, są w niej karty typu  common, uncommon, rare, mrare. Karty w stanie mint zostały wyjęte z opakowania i od razu wrzucone do foli ani razu nie były używane.Karty pochodzą z bloków Gatecrash, Return to Ravnica, Dragon Maze, Drak Assention, Theros.

Większa cześć kart jest z boosterów są też 2 talie kompletne jedna używana a druga w stanie mint. Jedna jest w foli druga graną w pudełku i są to biało niebieska talia z Return to Ravnica i niebiesko zielona z Gatecrash. Z bardziej wartościowe karty takie jak np:Thundermaw Hellkiter, Meloku the Clouded Mirror,Abrupt Decay, Watery Grave każda z tych jest warta z min 40 zł,i i jak wspomniałem są to karty nie używane.W całym zestawie jest klaser wraz z folijkami firmy "PRO", pudełko z edycji 2014  z kartami,oczywiście dorzucam około 100 landów i pare commów. Nie sprzedaje kart na sztuki!

W razie pytań prosze pisać i zapraszam do licytacji.

Tu jest lista kart zawartych w zestawie:

Jace’s Mindseeker                        

Siege Mastodon

Master of Waves

Skaab Goliath

Water Servent

Nephalia Seakite

Phantom Warrior

Air Servant


Messenger Drake

Warden of Evos Isle

Scroll Thief

Seacoast Drake


Coral Merfolk

Meloku the Clouded Mirror

Wind Drake

Skyline Predator

Keymaster Rogue

Stealer of Secrets


Errant Ephemeron



Avian Chengeling

Wall of Swords

Downstrike Paladin

Ajani’s Chosen

Charging Griffin

Sentinel Sliver

Suntalin Hawk 

Master of Diversion

Bonescythe Sliver

Boros Elite

Seller of Songbirds

Stonehorn Chanter

Precinct Captain

Azorius Arrester

Vassal Soul

Daring Skyjek

Healer of the Pride

War Falcon

Griffin Sentinel

Serra Angel

Sunspire Griffin

Angelic Wall



Assault griffin

Elgaud Inquisitor

Veteran Armorer

Saltfield Recluse

Rubbleback Rhino

Gateceeper Vine


Disciple of the Old Ways

Adaptive Snapjaw

Duskdale Wurm

Woodborn Behemoth

Axebane Stag

Axebane Guardian

Rumbling Baloth


Deadly Recluse

Elvish Mystic

Briarpack Alpha

Brindle Boar

Kraul Warrior

Predatory Sliver

Centaur’s Herald

Voracious Wurm

Giant Spider

Kalonian Tusker

Sentinel Spider

Timberpack Wolf


Spier Tracer

Scab-Clan Charger

Giant Dustwasp

Saruli Gatekeepers

Starngleroot Geist

Stoneshock Giant

Wrecking Ogre

Deathbellow Raider

Academy Rider

Striking Sliver

Dargon Egg

Foundry Street Denizen

Ember Beast Batterhorn

Riot Piker

Tenement Carsher

Dargon Hatchling

Blur Sliver

Viashino Racketeer

Regathan Firecat

Gore-House Chainwalker

War-Spike Changeling

Goblin Shortcutter


Canyon Minotaur

Thundermaw Hellkiter


Bomber Corps

Nearheath Stalker

Markov Warlord

Satyr Rambler

Erdwal Ripper

Falkenrath Exterminator

Hanweir Lancer

Shadowborn Apostole

Tenacious Dead

Undead Minotaur

Sewer Shambler

Corpse hauler

Sengir Vampier

Gutter Skulk

Horror of the Dim

Giant Scorpion

Slate Street Ruffian


Minotaur Abomination

Gnawing Zombie

Zombie Goliath

Accursed Spirit

Deathgaze Cockatrice

Drainpipe Vermin

Nightwing Shade

Child of Night

Festering Newt

Perilous Shadow

Marsh Flitter

Ubul Sar Gatekeeper

Sightless Ghoul

Returned Centaur

Rakdos Drake

Predator’s Gambit

Bloodflow Discovery

Spiteful Shadow


Spellheart Chimera

Consuming Aberration

Vizkopa Confessor

Kingpin’s Pet

Duskmantle Guildmage

Centaur Healer

Dinrova Horror

Wojek Halberdiers

Nivix Cyclops

Skarrg Guildmage

Nimbus Swimmer

Abrupt Decay

Call of the Conclave

Goblin Electromancer

Armored Wolf-Rider

Haunter of Nightveil

Dramatic Rescue

Skull Rend

Urban Evolution

Essence Backlash

Blast of Genius

Izzet Charm

Primal Visitation

Unflinching Courage

Soul Ransom

Fleetfeather Sandals

Strionic Resonator

Rod of Ruin

Haunted Plate Mail

Sliver Construct

Tablet of the Guilds

Water Grave

Orzhov Guildgate

Clock of Omens

Grull Guildgate

Transguild Promanade



Aqueous Form

Zephyr Charge

Glimpse the Future


Frost Breath

Tome Scour


Mizzium Skin

Scatter Arc

Logic Knot

Peer Through Depths

Sensory Deprivation

Illusionary Armor






Paralyzing Grasp

Devout Invocation

Divine Verdict

Celestial Flare

Hive Stirrings

Divine Favor

Debtor’s Pulpit

Holy Mantle

Avenging Arrow


Safe Passage




Angelic Accord

Solemn Offering

Show of Valor

Eyes In the Skies

Nylea’s Presence

Time to Feed

Savage Surge



Seek the Horizon

Verdant Haven

Forced Adaptation

GIant Growth

Aerial Predation

Predator’s Rapport

Tower Defense

Howl of the Night Pack

Hunt the Weak

Chandras Outrage

Titan’s Strength

Shiv’s Embrace

Lightning Talons

Lava Axe


Survey the Wreckage

Racecourse Fury

Pit Fight

Goblin Rally

Structural Collapse


Mark for Death

Madcap Skills

Fiery Fall

Flames of the Firebrand

Explosive Impact

Barrage of Expendables


Act of Treason

Annihilating Fire

Seismic Stomp

Boon of Erebos

Wring Flesh

Artificer’s Hex

Quag Sickness

Vile Rebirth

Midnight Recovery

Catacomb Slug


Doom Blade


Mind Rot

Raven’s Crime

Liturgy of blon

Stab Wound

Deputy of Acquittals

Korozda Gorgon

Azorius Cluestone


Staff of the Mind Magus

Screeching Skaab

Sanctuary Cat

Hidden Strings

Thraben Heretic

Reap the Seagraf

Possibility Storm

Crypt Incursion

Awe for the Guilds

Undying evil

Chant of the Skifsang

Boros Guildgate

Golgari Guildgate

Evolving Wilds

Sip of Hemlock

Horizon Scholar

Anthousa, Setessan Hero

Fade into Antiquity

Master of Cruelties

Decorated Griffin

Artisan’s Sorrow

Prophet of Kruphix

Voyage’s End

Pheres-Band Centaurs

Nessian Asp

Divine Verdict

Rage of Purphoros

Agent of Horizons

Opal Lake Gatekeeper

Lyev Decree

Pilfered Plans

Sinister Possession

Bronzebeak Moa

Steeple Roc

Aether Spellbomb

Goblin Test Pilot

Izzet Cluestone

Riot Piker


Dawntreader Elk

Boros Cluestone

Gather the Townsfolk



Tower geist

Thraben Doomsayer

Ghostly Flicker

Diregraf Escort

Alchemist’s Apprentice

Righteous Blow

Peel from reality

Pathbreaker Wurm

Rain of Thorns

Builder’s Blessing

Vizkopa Confessor

Contaminated Ground

Draing Skyjek

Frilled Oculus


Beckon Apparition

Shielded Passage

Act of Treason

Shadow Slice

Aerial Maneuver

Crypt Ghast

Guardian of the Gateless

Urbis Protector

Sunhome Guildmage

Verdant Haven

Riot Gear

Warmind Infantry

Nav Squad Commandos

Balustrade Spy

Ivy Lane Denizen

Crackling Perimeter

Gruul Charm

Cinder Elementa


Drakewing Krasis