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Kolekcja 419 kart (niebieskie)- pełna lista, BCM!

09-04-2015, 21:43
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 49 zł     
Użytkownik Tr3b0l
numer aukcji: 5234318979
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 19   
Koniec: 09-04-2015 21:05:37
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Przedmiotem aukcji jest 419 niebieskich kart. Można z nich zrobić kilka fajnych decków, polecam!


Dokładna lista poniżej:

aether barrier                           x1

air bladder                                 x1

apathy                                         x1

arcane laboratory                   x2

arctic merfolk                           x2

aven fogbringer                       x2

balduvian shaman                  x1

blockade runner                      x1

cephalid pathmage                x1

cephalid sage                            x1

cloudskate                                 x1

coast watcher                           x13

compulsive research             x4

contempt                                   x1

coral fighters                             x2

coral merfolk                            x1

coral net                                     x1

counsel of the soratami       x5

counterspell                              x2

crown of ascension                x1

cultural exchange                   x1

curfew                                         x1

darting merfolk                        x1

deep water                               x32

dispersal shield                        x10

disruptive student                  x1

dragon wings                            x12

dream prowler                         x1

dream thrush                           x1

dream's grip                              x3

drowned                                    x21

erosion                                        x12

escape routes                          x1

evasive action                          x1

eye of nowhere                      x1

false demise                             x1

fishliver oil                                 x1

flight                                             x3

flood                                            x1

flow if ideas                               x1

frozen solid                               x12

fylamarid                                    x1

ghostly wings                            x1

giant shark                                 x3

grayscaled gharial                   x2

grip of amnesia                        x3

gush                                             x1

haples researcher                   x4

hindering touch                       x11

hisoka's defiance                    x1

hisoka's guard                          x1

homarid shaman                     x3

homarid warrior                      x1

hoodwink                                   x2

hunting drake                           x1

immobilizing ink                       x1

induce paranoia                       x3

inertia bubble                           x1

information dealer                 x1

island                                           x25

keep watch                               x5

liquify                                           x1

living airship                              x1

lost in thought                          x2

lumengrid warden                  x2

machinate                                  x2

mana leak                                  x1

manta ray                                   x1

memory lapse                          x1

mental note                              x2

mercurial kite                           x9

merfolk of the pearl trident     x1

metathran soldier                   x3

misstep                                       x1

mistform dreamer                  x1

mistform mask                         x1

muddle the mixture              x1

neurok familiar                        x3

neurok spy                                x3

oppressive will                         x1

oraxid                                          x1

override                                      x1

peel from reality                     x2

petals of insight                       x1

phantasmal terrain                 x2

phantom monster                  x3

phantom warrior                     x2

port inspector                          x1

probe                                           x2

psionic gift                                 x1

psychic theft                             x1

puppeteer                                 x1

raven guild initiate                  x10

reality ripple                              x2

regress                                        x1

remove soul                              x2

rhystic scrying                           x1

rhystic study                             x1

riptide                                          x7

riptide biologist                        x1

river kaijin                                  x2

rootwater commando          x1

rootwater mystic                    x2

rush of knowledge                 x7

rushing river                              x1

sapphire leech                         x1

saprazzan outrigger               x1

saprazzan raider                      x1

scornful egotist                        x10

sea scryer                                   x1

shimmering wings                  x1

shoreline ranger                      x9

sift through sands                   x1

sigil of sleep                              x1

skywing aven                            x2

soldevi heretic                         x1

soratami mirror-guard          x1

spiketail hatchling                   x1

squelch                                       x1

steal artifact                              x1

stinging barrier                         x1

stormwatch eagle                   x1

sunken city                                x1

surveilling sprite                      x1

svyelunite priest                     x3

tattered drake                         x1

temporal fissure                      x13

think tank                                   x1

thoughtbind                              x1

thoughtcast                               x4

toils of night and day             x1

trickery charm                          x1

vedalken engineer                 x1

vex                                                x1

vigiliant drake                           x1

vodalian mage                          x3

vodalian merchant                 x3

vodalian serpent                     x1

wall of deceit                            x4

wanderguard sentry              x4

wandering eye                         x1

wandering ones                      x1

water wurm                              x1

waterfront bouncer               x1

whirlpool drake                       x2

whirlpool rider                         x1

wormfang drake                     x3

wormfang newt                      x1

zanam djinn                              x1

zur's weirding                           x1




Zapraszam do obejrzenia innych moich aukcji, gdzie sprzedaję zestawy w innych kolorach.