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Kolekcja 267 kart (czerwone)- pełna lista, BCM!

09-04-2015, 21:08
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 39 zł     
Użytkownik Tr3b0l
numer aukcji: 5234358170
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 12   
Koniec: 09-04-2015 21:11:26
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Przedmiotem aukcji jest 267 czerwonych kart. Można z nich zrobić kilka fajnych decków, polecam!


Dokładna lista poniżej:

anaba shaman                   1

anarchist                              3

arcane teachings               2

barbarian bully                   5

barbarian outcast             5

battering craghorn           1

blademane baku               1

blind with anger                1

bonethorn velesk             11

book burning                      2

break open                         1

breath of darigaaz            1

brightstone ritual              1

brothers of fire                  2

carbonize                             1

cave people                        1

chainflinger                         2

chartooth cougar              14

crackling club                      1

crash                                      1

crazed goblin                      1

crested craghorn              1

devouring rage                  1

dragon breath                    10

dwarven berserker          1

dwarven scorcher            1

earthshaker                        1

ember shot                         2

enslaved dwarf                 3

extra arms                           1

fault riders                           1

fire drake                             1

fire elemental                    1

firecat blitz                          1

fists of anvil                         2

flameshot                            2

flaring pain                          3

flaring pain                          1

flash if defiance                 2

flowstone surge                1

flowstone wall                   1

forge armor                        1

fractured loyalty               1

galvanic arc                          1

goblin brigand                    4

goblin firebug                     2

goblin medicus                  1

goblin raider                       1

goblin war strike               8

goretusk firebeast           4

hill giant                                1

hired giant                           1

incite war                             1

kaboom!                              1

kavu scout                           2

krark-clan engineers       1

krark-clan grunt                 2

krark-clan ogre                  1

krark-clan shaman            3

krark-clan stoker               1

kumano's blessing            1

lava dart                               1

lay waste                              1

liberated dwarf                 2

lightning hounds               1

mad dog                               2

mana geyser                       2

minotaur tactican             1

misguided rage                  11

mountain                             13

mudhole                              1

nosy goblin                          1

ogre leadfoot                     2

ogre taskmaster                2

pardic arsonist                   1

pardic lancer                       3

petravark                             3

pyromania                           3

rain of rust                           3

risky move                           1

rock jockey                          10

rustmouth ogre                 1

scattershot                          11

shatter                                  1

skittish valesk                     1

smash                                    1

sokenzan bruiser              2

sonic seizure                       1

spark spray                          8

spurred wolverine           3

swirling sandstorm           3

temporary insanity          1

thoughtbound primoe   1

through the breach         1

torch song                           1

torrent of fire                     14

torrent of stone                2

uncontrolled infestation            10

viashino cutthroat            2

viashino sandswimmer  1

volcanic wind                      1

volley of boulders            1

vulshok berseker              1


wave of indifference      2



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