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Klawiatura 16 przycisków AD f.VAT Sklep

20-02-2015, 22:51
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Koniec: 20-02-2015 22:42:52

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Klawiatura 16 przycisków AD

16 buttons controlled by only 1 AD port 


The AD Keypad provides 16 push buttons, and takes up only 1 AD port for controlling. It's suitable for applications where the AD ports are sufficient yet I/O ports are lacking of.


16 push buttons, detection interface



Parameters and How to

Parameters and Sampling

  • AD ideal value: when button pressed, Viv = (button index / 16) x Vref
  • AD real value: when button pressed, Vrv = (1 ± 6%) x Viv
  • For instance, suppose Vref = 5, 8th button was pressed, then Viv = (8 / 16) x 5 = 2.5, Vrv = (1 ± 6%) x 2.5, equals to 2.35-2.65

Vref: AD reference voltage
iv: ideal value
rv: real value


How to detect and handle in your code

For 10-bit ADC, the 8th button generates ADC value between (1±6%)x512, the equivalence of "481-543". If the ADC value had been detected to be "510-518" in the code, the 8th button's supposed to have been pressed.

For 8-bit ADC, the 8th button generates ADC value between (1±6%)x128, the equivalence of "120-136". If the ADC value had been detected to be "124-128" in the code, the 8th button's supposed to have been pressed.

Package Contains

  • AD Keypad × 1



Development resources: demo codes, schematic, datasheets, etc.Click here to download

Klawiatura 16 przycisków AD Klawiatura 16 przycisków AD Klawiatura 16 przycisków AD

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