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29-02-2012, 12:59
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 90 zł     
Użytkownik ProAstral
numer aukcji: 2033595455
Miejscowość Wrocław
Wyświetleń: 8   
Koniec: 01-02-2012 19:33:02

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
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Wytwórnia: New Earth Records
Numer Katalogowy: NE9903-2
Format: CD
Kraj Wydania: Stany Zjednoczone (USA)
Data Wydania: 1999
Gatunki Muzyczne:
Ambient, Sufi Trance
Podobni Wykonawcy: 
Mathias Grassow, David Parsons, Alio Die, Oöphoi,
Troum, Vidna Obmana, Rapoon, Steve Roach
Klaus Wiese is a veteran e-musician and minimalist. He was a
 member of Popol Vuh and has collaborated with Al Gromer Khan, Mathias
 Grassow, Ted De Jong, Saam Schlammiger and Oöphoi. He travelled the
Far East for many years studying Sufism and Mysticism. His spiritual
achievement radiates through his exquisitely and authentic recordings.
He is one of the true European masters of spiritual music.
Saam Schlamminger was born in Istanbul, raised in Iran, and is now
living in Munich, Germany. He studied percussive instruments with the
masters in Iran, Turkey and Central Asia and toured with many Persian
musicians from the Turkish and Persian traditions. He has accompanied the
famous Persian singer, Parisa, at concerts and on CD's and has played with
Al Gromer Khan on Space Hotel and Tantra Drums. He has also played on
many other recordings with Klaus Wiese. In addition to his love for music,
he is a television director and sculptor. Klaus Wiese was born in 1942 in
Germany. In 1970, he was introduced to music by first teacher, a famous
 Shaik Qalandar, Fazal Innayaat Khan. During his travels through Persia,
Afghanistan and India, Wiese studied with many Sufi teachers of different orders.
Qalandar means free of any order, rule or tradition. The Qalandar is a
freewheeling sect of Sufis that is not bound by the rule of the Tarika (order
 of Sufis). The Qalandar are borderless people who are not connected with
any other Sufi sect. They don't believe in tradition and this is reflected in their
 ways and music. This CD is Saam Schlamminger and Klaus Wiese's
expression and understanding of the spirit of the Qalandar. The last piece
 is an original zikr. The Qalandar originated in Pakistan but they are in no
way related to any other Sufi sect like the Mevlavis of Turkey or the
Shadilis of North Africa or the Chishtis of India.
01. Tscheschme-Tark
02. Tscheschme-Djadu
03. Tscheschme-Chomaar
04. Tscheschme-Mast
05. Tscheschme-Labb
06. Tscheschme-Qalb
07. Tscheschme
Taken from the sleeve of the cd:
"All music recorded by Klaus Wiese and Saam Schlamminger.
All instruments played by Saam Schlamminger and sounds mixed with
Klaus Wiese. Instruments: DAF framedrum, Dombak Persian drum,
Dotar string instrument, Sarud fiddle Track 1: Poetry of Rumi On the last
 track music is underlayed by dervishes making a sort of prayer
 using their breathing".
STAN: okładki w stanie bardzo dobrym+, płyta w stanie bardzo dobrym-.


koszt wysyłki 1-3 płyt CD - 7zł
koszt wysyłki 4-8 płyt CD - 9zł
koszt wysyłki powyżej 9 płyt CD - 12zł

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