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20-01-2012, 17:47
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darmowa wysyłka
Kent Nagano/Lso: Strauss: Petrushka/The Miraculous [CD]
Kent Nagano/Lso: Strauss: Petrushka/The Miraculous [CD]
Kent Nagano
rok wydania:
nr kat.:
rodzaj opakowania:
jewel case
 Lista utworów
1. The shrove-tide fair - Kent Nagano
2. Danse russe - Kent Nagano
3. Petrushka - Kent Nagano
4. The Blackamoor - Kent Nagano
5. Valse - Kent Nagano
6. The shrove-tide dair - Kent Nagano
7. Wet-nurses' dance - Kent Nagano
8. Peasant with bear - Kent Nagano
9. Gypsies and a rake vendor - Kent Nagano
10. Dance of the coachmen - Kent Nagano
11. Masquerades - Kent Nagano
12. The scuffle: Blackamoor and Petrushka - Kent Nagano
13. Death of Petrushka - Kent Nagano
14. Police nad the juggler - Kent Nagano
15. Apparition of Petrushka's double - Kent Nagano
16. 1. Allegro (Introduction) - Kent Nagano
17. 2. The curtain rises - Kent Nagano
18. 2. First decoy - Kent Nagano
19. 4. A shabby old rake enters - Kent Nagano
20. 5. Second decoy - Kent Nagano
21. 6. A shy lady appears in the doorway - Kent Nagano
22. 7. Third decoy - Kent Nagano
23. 8. The girl sees a sinister-looking figure in the street - Kent Nagano
24. 9. The Mandarin enters - Kent Nagano
25. 10. General commotion - Kent Nagano
26. 11. A wildly erotic dance - Kent Nagano
27. 12. The girl sinks on to the Mandarin's lap - Kent Nagano
28. 13. The Mandarin starts up a wild chase - Kent Nagano
29. 14. He catches hold of the girl - Kent Nagano
30. 15. The tramps leap out - Kent Nagano
31. 16. Having robbed him, they now have to decide - Kent Nagano
32. 17. Suddenly the Mandarin's head emerges - Kent Nagano
33. 18. The tramps come to their senses - Kent Nagano
34. 19. The three come to their senses - Kent Nagano
35. 20. They hang the Mandarin from the lamp hook - Kent Nagano
36. 21. The lamp falls to the floor and goes out - Kent Nagano
37. 22. The Mandarin falls to the floor - Kent Nagano
38. 23. The Mandarin's longing is now stilled - Kent Nagano
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