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20-01-2012, 17:43
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Koniec: 16-01-2012 00:44:37

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"The Gugging Album"
Musical compositions by Thomas PÖTZ(Kava) and Hans-Joachim ROEDELIUS.
In collaboration with Fabrique Records, a music label for electronic and experimental music and the House of Artists, the two musicians composed pieces inspired by the atmosphere of paintings and graphics by various Gugging Artists.

"The Gugging Album"
CD1: Kava
CD2: Hans-Joachim Roedelius


Kava's compositions refer to the work and personality of the artists: Karl VONDAL, Franz KERNBEIS, Rudolf LIMBERGER (MAX), Rudolf HORACEK, Arnold SCHMIDT, August WALLA, Oswald TSCHIRTNER, Heinrich REISENBAUER, Philipp SCHÖPKE and Johann KOREC. The pieces have been recorded with electronic and acoustic instruments.

„My first contact with the art from Gugging was when I saw an exhibition in the Palais Lichtenstein in Vienna with my father in the year 1987 It was then, at the age of six, that I watched August WALLA gobble down a vast number of meat sandwiches which he kept safeguarded in a shopping bag. At the same time, my father would not allow me to take a children’s tour of the palace. He said I should make up my own mind rather than take a tour which was designed to talk down to me. I am grateful to my father for that up to this very day. Indeed, the works left a powerful and fearful impression on my mind, but it also left a lasting impression of the power of art on the imagination.
The tracks on the CD are as varied and as exciting as the art and background stories of the Gugging artists. The fantastic artistic freedom and variety in Gugging inspires and motivates. Many tracks emerged from personal impressions after visits to Gugging. Others relate to individual works or stories, or as an individual gift to a specific artist“.

Producer and artist Thomas PÖTZ (1981, Vienna) alias Kava, has proven himself to be an extraordinary talent when it comes to transparent, glass-clear sounds, refined rhythms, and high-energy songs with electro-pop appeal. Instead of a classic rock band career, Kava has won positive praise around the globe for his debut album "The Empty Hall Sessions", which was released in 2004 by Fabrique Records. It has earned kudos for its cool clicks and cuts, aesthetic beat formations and carefully chosen classic cuts.

CD2: Hans-Joachim Roedelius
Roedelius created six compositions he called the „Gugginger Piktogramme“. These musical icons do not intend to construe single artists or artworks:

„I became a sound artist and musician after I finished my state board exams to qualify as a nurse, physiotherapist, and masseur for the Berlin Charité Hospital. It was during my time at the psychological and neurological clinic there that I came into contact with people who were described as disturbed and psychologically fragile. (...) At the beginning of 2007, Michael MARTINEK asked me if I had any desire to participate in the Gugging-Project. I immediately accepted because I wanted to see if I could create a musical link to the artists at Gugging, specifically in their position as outsiders who find themselves in a place of exile which has been sanctioned by society. (...) In any case, my Gugging Pieces are a reflection on my personal experiences during my training at the Berlin Charité Hospital and my long years of experience with patients from all social backgrounds, be it in Germany or in France, where I mainly worked as a private therapist. Specifically, I wanted to look at the potential before me when I applied the most attention possible to myself and to the people in my immediate surroundings“.

Hans-Joachim Roedelius (1934, Berlin) is composer, musician, writer, poet and producer. He is spiritus rector and curator of the symposion and festival “More Ohr Less” in Lunz (Austria) and honorary president of the jazz festival “Moving Cultures” in Tirana (Albania). Roedelius started his musical career in the late 60ies, cofounded band projects like Harmonia, Aquarello and Cluster and cooperated with other musicians like Brian ENO.




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CD1-1 Kava 18008 Vondal 6:32
CD1-2 Kava Driving With Kernbeis 5:49
CD1-3 Kava Limberger Part I / Intro 0:56
CD1-4 Kava Limberger Part II 6:45
CD1-5 Kava Horacek 5:20
CD1-6 Kava Aeroplanes For Schmidt 3:39
CD1-7 Kava Thirteen / Eight And A Trumpet For Walla Part I & II 5:19
CD1-8 Kava Tschirtner 3:19
CD1-9 Kava Dance For Reisenbauer 3:55
CD1-10 Kava Schoepke 4:51
CD1-11 Kava Korec 5:57
CD2-1 Hans Joachim Roedelius* Gugginger Piktogramm 1 11:53
CD2-2 Hans Joachim Roedelius* Gugginger Piktogramm 2 14:05
CD2-3 Hans Joachim Roedelius* Gugginger Piktogramm 3 10:25
CD2-4 Hans Joachim Roedelius* Gugginger Piktogramm 4 5:17
CD2-5 Hans Joachim Roedelius* Gugginger Piktogramm 5 6:31
CD2-6 Hans Joachim Roedelius* Gugginger Piktogramm 6 11:02