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Kate Haxell Me and More Sewing Beyond the Basics

19-12-2014, 2:18
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Cena kup teraz: 92.99 zł     
Użytkownik linguashop_pl
numer aukcji: 4814652895
Miejscowość Gryfino
Zostało sztuk: 3    Wyświetleń: 1   
Koniec: 19-12-2014 02:19:41

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Kate Haxell Me and More Sewing Beyond the Basics 92.99 zł

  • Typ Okładki: Książka w miękkiej oprawie
  • Wydawnictwo: Apple Press
  • Autor: Kate Haxell
  • Język książki: Nieznany,Angielski
  • Rozmiar: 21 x 1.3 x 26 cm
  • Ilość stron: 128
  • Data premiery: 2[zasłonięte]014-02


Following on from the hugely successful Me and My Sewing Machine, this book will help you explore further the pleasures of sewing. Having learned all the basics, and made firm friends with your sewing machine, you will want to expand your skills to make the projects you produce come together more easily, and look better once finished. This requires a combination of machine and hand-sewing techniques, but none to be afraid of! The detailed step-by-step photographs and clear instructions will show you how to achieve invisible or decorative finishes that are quicker and easier than you might imagine, and that add a couture touch to your projects. From invisible hems to lace seams, custom-matched buttons to embellished zippers, you'll learn how to add the little details that make all the difference, especially when you have invested in a gorgeous fabric and lovely pattern. Overly complicated techniques that take hours to produce nothing remarkable are carefully avoided! There are also two chapters of decorative techniques that will stand you in great stead when it comes to perking up a plain project, or upcycling something simple into something stunning.Put some of the techniques into practice to create the six specially designed projects that combine practicality and good looks. There are accessories and home wares, and projects that include both machine and hand-sewing. This is a great book for those who want to expand their sewing horizons, learn new skills, and make the most of their love of sewing.

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