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Josie Under Fire Ann Turnbull WYPRZEDAŻ

14-07-2012, 1:41
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Koniec: 17-07-2012 19:53:05

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Josie Under Fire

Ann Turnbull


The Historical House is a unique trilogy of novels by three highly regarded authors. Each novel charts the life and times of the house at 6 Chelsea Walk, London, and the girls who lived there through three important periods of history. Synopsis It is 1941: London is suffering from the Blitz and the country is gripped by patriotic fervour. Josie finds it hard to understand her brother's decision to be a conscientious objector, especially as it causes trouble for their family. But when she moves to a new school and gets drawn into tormenting one of her classmates, Josie learns what it means to stand up for her own beliefs.

  • Paperback: 176 pages
  • Publisher: Usborne Publishing Ltd

    Dodano 2[zasłonięte]012-05 11:19
    Regulamin zakupów oraz aktualne promocje znajdują się na stronie „o mnie”

    Dodano 2[zasłonięte]012-06 15:46

    Wysyłka GRATIS już dla jednorazowych zakupów na kwotę 120 zł

    Zrób jednorazowe zakupy na kwotę 120 zł a koszty przesyłki pokryję ja.!!!