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Jose Mourinho - biografia - The Special One

15-01-2015, 9:43
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Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2014
Rodzaj: biografia
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The Special One

The Secret World


José Mourinho


• Author: Diego Torres
• Pages: 288
• Formats: Trade Paperback
• Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers (10 April 2014)
• Product Dimensions: 23,5 x 15,5 cm
• Language: English
• ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]75530


Nowa !!!


Book Description

An explosive and shocking biography of Jose Mourinho - revealing the dark side of 'the special one'.

When José Mourinho announced his return to English football, it sparked celebrations from fans and press alike. As one of the most charismatic figures in the game, his reappearance could surely only be a good thing…

But is there a darker side to the Mourinho? A mischievous, scheming, even tyrannical quality to the man beneath the veneer of charm?

As part of El Pais, Diego Torres is one of the premier investigative journalists in Spanish football, and in this explosive biography of 'the special one' he uncovers secrets and lies that will change the way we see Mourinho.

From dodgy dealings to assassinations of players both outside and within his own team, and other shocking revelations, Prepare To Lose reveals Mourinho as a man far removed from the hero so many people consider him to be.

About the Author

Diego Torres is the journalist that uncovers Real Madrid's most hidden secrets. The man assigned to cover the Merengues for Spanish newspaper El País, has a close relationship with key members of the club's locker room and executives and is always one step ahead to reveal the well kept secrets of the team that divides the world of soccer.

Jose Mourinho - biografia - The Special One