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John Lurie : Fishing With John

16-01-2015, 16:22
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Cena kup teraz: 29.50 zł     
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numer aukcji: 4968053616
Miejscowość Lublin
Wyświetleń: 2   
Koniec: 16-01-2015 15:55:36

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: bez folii
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John Lurie : Fishing With John (Original Music From The Series By John Lurie)

Stan: bdb
Wydawca: Strange & Beautiful Music
Nr katalogowy: SB 0014
Nośnik, opakowanie: CD w standardowym pudełku
Wyprodukowano w: USA
Rok wydania: 1998
Produkt oryginalny


1. Ahhh...Fishing     0:16     
2. Canoe     1:05     
3. Beast     4:18     
4. Arriving At Kenny's     0:39     
5. Nana Jug     1:07     
6. Horse Guitar     1:03     
7. Fish Dance     1:13     
8. Backwards Flute     0:33     
9. Tugboat     0:51     
10. River Of Men     1:10     
11. Shark Drive     2:16     
12. Freezing Guitar     2:50     
13. Flutter     4:15     
14. Leon's House     2:23     
15. Revenge Of Fish Dance     1:29     
16. Ketchak     8:53     
17. Struggle Of Man     1:22     
18. Little     2:06     
19. Snowmobile Dismount     1:21     
20. Ignore The Giant     0:46     
21. World Of Adventure     0:41     
22. Long Walk Home     1:11     
23. Fishing With John     0:50     

All Music Guide: This disc features music from the Independent Film Channel cable series of the same name. The idea of the series is to pair Lurie, the leader of the "non-jazz" big band the Lounge Lizards (and also an actor) with talents from independent films. For this purpose, Lurie whipped up a wide range of imaginative soundscapes, from tongue-in-cheek choral pieces ("Fish Dance") to hip R&B workouts ("Shark Drive"). As a whole, the album is a nice snapshot of Lurie's gifts as a composer. The pieces are rich with imagination and a keen sense of humor. An added bonus is Tom Waits' improvised, lusty rowing hymn "River of Men."


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