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19-01-2012, 19:02
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Koniec: 16-01-2012 23:16:15

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1992
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Witam serdecznie i zapraszam do udziału w aukcji!

The sensational bestseller from the author of THE FIRM

John Grisham: The Pelican Brief



Przedmiot aukcji Książka
Autor, Tytuł John Grisham: The Pelican Brief
Wydawca Arrow Books Ltd
Rok wydania 1992
Liczba stron 371
Kraj pochodzenia UK
Stan techniczny dobry

Z treści:

John Grisham, who has written many best-sellers, authored The Pelican Brief. The book is about a legal brief written by the main character, Darby Shaw, who is a law student. Darby's document is her theory about who committed the double assassination of two Supreme Court justices. The book is fiction, set in present day Washington D.C. and New Orleans, Louisiana. Another main character is Gray Grantham, a news reporter for the Washington Post.

During the course of the book, Darby Shaw witnesses a murder. She is the intended victim. Luckily, she survives by not being in the car when it explodes. At this point, she realizes that she is being followed. While she tries to get away from the killers, she desperately searches for someone she can trust. The person she turns to is Gray Grantham, who helps her find out who is trying to kill her and why. John Grisham weaves an intricate story as Shaw and Grantham attempt to solve the mystery. If I were to give this novel a rating from one to ten, it would be a seven. The book is very intriguing but lacks action. For those who like law stories, this would be a great book to read. For ones like me who like action books, I would recommend it, but not highly. There is a movie based on this novel which I think is more exciting than the book. I say that because the movie is easier to understand and it doesn't have statements meaningless to the story. The novel is written in the third person. I prefer a book written in the third person because it gives a broader perspective.




„In this tale of the aftermath of the assassinations of two Supreme Court justices, Grisham delivers a suspenseful plot at a breakneck pace, although his characters are stereotypes.”

Publishers Weekly


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