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18-01-2012, 8:57
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Koniec: 16-01-2012 18:20:14
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Tytuł oryginalny: Dark Star
Tytuł polski: Dark Star - Ciemna Gwiazda
Rok produkcji: 1974
Reżyseria: John Carpenter
Obsada: Brian Narelle, Cal Kuniholm, Dre Pahich, Dan O'Bannon, Adam Beckenbaugh, Joe Saunders, Michael Shaw, Alan Sheretz, Miles Watkins, Nick Castle

Kultowa, niskobudżetowa kosmiczna farsa mistrza horrorów Johna Carpentera, na podstawie scenariusza Dana O'Bannona (scenarzysty filmu Alien) - który także w tym filmie występuje.
Opowieść o załodze statku kosmicznego, którego dwudziestoletnia misja polegała na niszczeniu planet i meteorów, które mogły zagrozić poruszającym się w kosmosie statkom. Niestety, nagle komputer pokładowy, Matka, traci kontrolę nad wysyłaniem bomb, a na pokładzie kończy się papier toaletowy...... a to początek końca!
Dark Star is absurd, surreal and very funny. John Carpenter once described it as " Waiting for Godot in space." (It's also, surely, one of the primary inspirations for Red Dwarf.) Made at a cost of practically nothing, the film's effects are nevertheless impressive and, along with the number of ideas crammed into its 83 minutes, ought to shame makers of science fiction films costing hundreds of times more.
The story concerns the Dark Star 's crew who are on a 20-year mission to destroy unstable planets and make way for future colonisation. The smart bombs they use to effect this zoom off cheerfully to do their duty. But unlike Star Trek, in which order prevails, the nerves of this crew are becoming increasingly frayed to the point of psychosis. Their captain has been killed by a radiation leak that also destroyed their toilet paper. "Don't give me any of that 'Intelligent Life' stuff," says Commander Doolittle when presented with the possibility of alien life. "Find me something I can blow up." When an asteroid storm causes a malfunction, Bomb Number 20 (the most cheerful character in the film) has to be repeatedly talked out of exploding prematurely, each time becoming more and more peevish, until they have to teach him phenomenology to make him doubt his existence. And the film's apocalyptic ending, lifted almost wholly from Ray Bradbury's story "Kaleidoscope", has the remaining crew drifting away from each other in space, each to a suitably absurd end. -- Jim Gay

John Carpenter's pulp science fiction classic - this brilliantly clever and funny parody of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey follows a warped intergalactic mission to blow up unstable planets. Four bored astronauts fill in time between missions catching up on their tans with the help of a sun-lamp, playing with a suspiciously plastic-looking alien mascot they are taking back to Earth and con-versing with their female version of HAL.
Things start to go horribly wrong as the spaceship computer misfires. Ultimately only one crew member - an ex-surfer - makes it back to Earth surfing on an improvised board...

Obraz: 1.85
Czas trwania: 79 min
Dźwięk: English
Napisy: brak polskich
Polska wersja językowa: brak polskiej wersji
Dodatki: trailers, gallery, true
Region: PAL Region 2
Ilość dysków: 1
ITEMID: 690 # UNID: FABD2001 # EXTCODE: 502[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]80200 # CAT: 121[zasłonięte]4147 # TRAITPL1: # TRAITPL2: #

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product_id: 690; product_code: FABD2001; product_code_producer: ; product_sizecode: 502[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]80200;
Aukcja stworzona 2<span class=hidden_cl>[zasłonięte]</span>011-12 18:20:13 przez sklep oparty na systemie IAI-Shop.