Author: John C. Bowling Title: Making the Climb: What a Novice Climber Learned about Life on Mount Kilimanjaro
Description: Our lives are filled with mountains to conquer. No matter our age or experience, we all have issues, obstacles, opportunities, and challenges that dominate our landscapes and force us to climb whether we’re ready or not.Making the Climb is a riveting first-person account of one man’s attempt to climb to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro and the life-changing lessons learned along the way. John Bowling describes the challenges and difficulties he encountered during the nine days it took to reach the peak of Africa’s tallest mountain and the highest free-standing volcano in the world. With wisdom and fortitude, he shares how this exhilarating adventure has equipped him to face and overcome other personal challenges and mountains in his life. He illustrates how this physical challenge impacted and transformed his spiritual life and shares observations, principles, and insights to help others overcome and conquer the challenges of life—no matter how difficult they might seem. Making the Climb: What a Novice Climber Learned About Life on Mount Kilimanjaro invites you to follow John Bowling up one of the world’s most magnificent peaks. With intrigue and reflection, he’ll lead you on a challenging journey toward the life-changing reward that awaits you at the top. He offers one caution—’Don’t look down!’
Język: angielski Oprawa: miękka Liczba stron: 191 Stan książki: używana, dobry
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