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31-12-2014, 12:59
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Koniec: 31-12-2014 12:58:25

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
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Stan:  Bardzo Dobry
Ilość Stron: 327
Format: 200x130
Opis: Jeremy Clarkson has seen rather more of the world than most. He has, as they say, been around a bit. And as a result, he's got one or two things to tell us about how it all works; and being Jeremy Clarkson he's not about to voice them quietly, humbly and without great dollops of humour.

In The World According to Clarkson, he reveals why it is that:

Too much science is bad for our health

'70s rock music is nothing to be ashamed of

Hunting foxes while drunk and wearing night-sights is neither big nor clever

We must work harder to get rid of cricket

He likes the Germans (well, sometimes)

With a strong dose of common sense that is rarely, if ever, found inside the M25, Clarkson hilariously attacks the pompous, the ridiculous, the absurd and the downright idiotic, whilst also celebrating the eccentric, the clever and the sheer bloody brilliant.

Less a manifesto for living and more a road map to modern life, The World According to Clarkson is the funniest book you'll read this year. Don't leave home without it.


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