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JELLO BIAFRA+MELVINS Never Breathe What. . CDfolia

08-03-2012, 5:32
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Koniec: 07-03-2012 18:43:00

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Jello Biafra with the Melvins - "Never Breathe What You Can't See"  CD

Jak widac i słychać współpraca dwóch legend światowego undergrundu nie zakończyła się na projekcie LARD. Panowie z MELVINS oraz nieodżałowany lider DEAD KENNEDYS przypadli sobie do gustu na tyle mocno, że postanowili kontynuowac współpracę. Z efektami owej współpracy można zapoznać się na oferowanej przeze mnie, płycie!

Like WWI had it's WWII and the Gulf War had its Iraqi Freedom, you can't expect an event of epic proportions to end without proper follow-through: hence, Alternative Tentacles presents the second installment from Jello Biafra and the Melvins! "Never Breath What You Can't See" (2004) fed the world, in alternating fistfulls, the MEVLINS' sonic brutality and Biafra's erudite lyrical jesting - and the world cried for more. "Sieg Howdy" features songs recorded during the "Never Breathe..." sessions, as well as remixes by Al Jourgensen (ministry/lard), Dalek, and Dale Crover (MELVINS). And you know that Biafra, the consummate record collector, would not even think of releasing another record unless it's good enough to stand on its own! It doesn't matter if you missed the boat the first time of if you couldn't get enough, the dominion of Jello Biafra and the Mevlins is from from over: be prepared yet again to let the most twisted minds in rock detonate your mind.

Oddajmy jeszcze głos fanom, którzy zdecydowali się na zakup tej płyty:

"i honestly don't know which album to say it better, this or sieg howdy, they're both great, but they have basically half the same songs, but i guess i would say to get the other cd first

but this cd is great, the versions of the songs on this are equally as good as their remixes on sieg howdy, the only song on this that isn't good is Yuppie Cadillac, its basically like a new version of winnebago warrior by dead kennedys, only about SUV's and not nearly as good, but don't let that stop you the rest of it is gold ."

"This a great album for fans of Jello Biafra. It contians some messages that are important no matter what genre of music you like. This simply is a great album."

"First off, before you buy this you should check Alternative Press issue #198 (Brand New on cvr ???) to see an interview Alternative Press did with Jello Biafria about why he chose to work with the Melvins. Amazing story! Such a great combination of talents! You have have Jello's political-hopping-rant and The Melvins chunky-grungy guitars. I really enjoy all the tunes except the last one (Locust something?). It seems like all songs with the title 'Locust' in it really suck. This is a great album, and if you are a fan of either Jello Biafria or The Melvins, you will love this CD.."


1 Plethysmoraph          
2 McGruff The Crime DogClick to listen to this song    
3 Yuppie Cadillac    
4 Islamic Bomb        
5 The Lighter Side Of Global Terrorism        
6 Caped Crusader        
7 Enchanted Thoughtfist        
8 Dawn Of The Locusts

Alternative Tentacles Records 2004

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JELLO BIAFRA+MELVINS Never Breathe What. . CDfolia

Dodano 2[zasłonięte]009-12 17:51