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Jeffrey Foucault GHOST REPEATER

10-03-2012, 1:29
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Koniec: 11-03-2012 22:08:59

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: w folii
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Jeffrey Foucault
Ghost Repeater
 Nośnik  Wydawca Cena   Waluta
 1 CD  Rounder 39   PLN

  Opis albumu
"Sounds like the love-child of Chris Whitley and Kelly Joe Phelps' strong songs, a voice and blues guitar that sound wiser than his years". - MOJO

Holed up in Iowa City for the coldest week of the year, Jeffrey Foucault teamed with legendary blues guitar player and producer Bo Ramsey (Greg Brown, Lucinda Williams) to create Ghost Repeater, a country and blues album at the crossroads between love and lament, exploring the hopefulness of new love and the seasickness of contemporary American living.

Ghost Repeaters are empty radio stations scattered around the country to re-broadcast demographically tailored playlists, endless echoes of American market culture, from thousands of miles away. Epidemic sameness, big-box stores, and the retail news cycle of ghost prisoners and God on Our Side create the context in which the songs on Ghost Repeater unfold a story of love and uncertainty.

In addition to Bo Ramsey's inimitable sound Foucault has the backing of Rick Cicalo and Steve Hayes (Greg Brown) on rhythm, along with special guest appearances by Iowa legend Dave Moore on harp and accordion, Eric Heywood (Son Volt, Richard Buckner) on pedal steel, and Kris Delmhorst on backing vocals.

Written over the course of a year in which Foucault married, Ghost Repeater juxtaposes a personal narrative of hope and joyfulness against the wider story of the times, in a series of travelogues and dreamscapes. Against the broadcast echoes of an America long gone, Foucault lays out the particulars of love in a country contending with its own ghost.

>>> Większa okładka A <<<
Jeffrey Foucault - Ghost Repeater

01. Ghost Repeater (5:11) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
02. Americans in Corduroys (4:50) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
03. I Dream an Old Lover (4:14) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
04. One for Sorrow (3:52) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
05. Train to Jackson (4:18) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
06. One Part Love (4:08)
07. Wild Waste and Welter (5:12)
08. City Flower (3:38)
09. Tall Grass in Old Virginny (3:27)
10. Mesa, Arizona (5:05)
11. Appeline (3:47)
Jeffrey Foucault