Na sprzedaż wersja elektroniczna książki autorstwa Janka Gwizdaly - "All The Good Stuff, How I Practice". Zmieniam instrument, więc wyprzedaję książki związane z gitarą basową. Zapraszam więc na inne aukcje :) Po wygranej wysyłam na maila, zamieszczam na serwisie typu rapidshare itd. książkę, ćwiczenia, audiobook oraz przykłady - nagrania ćwiczeń. Nowa kosztuje ok. 120 zł, więc myślę, że to wielka okazja :)
In this power-packed follow-up to "You're a Musician. Now What?", Janek shares the secrets of the carefully crafted practice regimen that enables him to get the most out of his instrument, his hands, and his ears. Filled with hard-earned tips on getting focused, prioritizing, staying inspired, building vocabulary, making the material your own, pacing, rejuvenating basic ideas, and finding solutions to musical problems—and illustrated with over 25 musical templates to get you started—How to Practice is guaranteed to change the way you practice and help you reach your highest goals.
This combined Audio Book and Ebook includes 120 tracks of audio including the entire book read by Janek, all the exercises played by Janek in different tempos just as he uses them in his practice routine, and extra bonus archive audio of Janek's practice sessions using the exact same musical examples this book highlights. The video portion of the download is the digital equivalent of a an instructional DVD. It includes all the exercises in the book played by Janek on four string bass, each at multiple tempos with a click, and includes a bonus intro and outro not included in the audio book or ebook.
All digital sheet music is included in Bass Clef, bass tab, treble clef, and guitar tab!