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Jan Karski STORY SECRET STATE Tajne państwo 1944

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Oryginalne pierwsze wydanie

Jedna z najważniejszych książek w światowej literaturze. Książka Jana Karskiego (1[zasłonięte]914-20), po raz pierwszy przekazała światu obraz unikalnego zjawiska, jakim było Polskie Państwo Podziemne.

Wydawnictwo: Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. & The Riverside Press, Cambridge. Boston 1944.

Stron: 398

Okładka twarda, wymiary 20 x 13,5 x 3 cm

Książka w języku angielskim

Oryginalne wydanie z 1944, ale książka wygląda jakby nie była czytana.


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Karski spent time with the Polish Underground and wrote this expose of the German atrocities during the occupation. In German-occupied Poland, schools, courts and newspapers were operated by the Polish Underground secretly, right under the nose of the Gestapo. The author who was liaison officer between the underground and the exiled Polish government in London, wrote this amazing report.

The Polish Underground State (Polish: Polskie Państwo Podziemne, also known as the Polish Secret State) is a collective term for the underground resistance organizations in Poland, both military and civilian, that remained loyal to the Polish Government in Exile in London during World War II. The Underground State was perceived by supporters as a legal continuation of the pre-war Republic of Poland (and its institutions) that waged an armed struggle against the country's occupying powers: Germany and the Soviet Union.
The more widely used term Polish Underground State was first used on 13 January 1944 by the official underground publication of the Polish underground authorities, the Biuletyn Informacyjny. Polish Secret State was a term coined by scholar Jan Karski in his book Story of a Secret State (Polish: Tajne państwo), written and first published in the second half of the 1944 in United States.


Jest to opowieść widziana z perspektywy słynnego emisariusza Jana Karskiego. Jego wojennym zadaniem było dotarcie do przywódców Zachodu i przekazanie wiedzy o sytuacji w okupowanej Polsce, organizacji i działalności Podziemia oraz dokonującej się zagładzie narodu żydowskiego, której był naocznym świadkiem, dwukrotnie wchodząc do getta warszawskiego i obozu tranzytowego w Izbicy, ostatniego etapu przed Bełżcem. Autor dociera ze swą szokującą prawdą między innymi do prezydenta Franklina D. Roosevelta, sir Anthony Edena, czy słynnego pisarza Herberta G. Wellsa. Wcześniej dowiadujemy się o jego misjach kurierskich, ujęciu przez Gestapo, torturach i uwolnieniu przez Podziemie. Poznajemy strukturę Państwa Podziemnego, osadzoną w realiach wojennej codzienności. Wartki, uwspółcześniony język książki przydaje jej walorów powieści sensacyjnej. Skłania do refleksji nad pozycją Polski w grze wielkich mocarstw alianckich.

Story of a Secret State – książka Jana Karskiego dotycząca przeżyć wojennych, napisana między marcem a sierpniem roku 1944. Po raz pierwszy była wydana jeszcze podczas II wojny światowej, w 2. połowie roku 1944 w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Wydanie szwedzkie pojawiło się w roku 1945, norweskie w 1946, francuskie – 1948. W '44 jej fragmenty ukazały się w magazynach: "Harper's Baazar", "Collier's", "Life", "American Mercury", "Jewish Forum". W październiku ogłoszona przez Book of a Month Club za książkę stycznia 1945 w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Uzyskała wiele pozytywnych recenzji, lecz spotkała się z ostrą krytyką dziennikarzy piszących do "Soviet Russia Today".

'I do not pretend to have given an exhaustive picture of the Polish Underground, its organization and its activities. Because of our methods, I believe that there is no one today who could give an all-embracing recital... This book is a purely personal story, my story.' Jan Karski's 1944 war memoir is a heroic act of witness: the courageous testimony of a man who risked everything for his country. At times overwhelming in the details it reveals of the suffering of ordinary people, it is an unforgettable and deeply affecting record of brutality, courage, and survival under conditions of extreme bleakness. During the first four years of World War II, Karski worked as a messenger for the underground, risking his life in secret missions. He was captured, tortured, rescued, smuggled through a tunnel into the Warsaw ghetto and, finally, disguised himself as a guard to infiltrate a Nazi death camp. Then, travelling across occupied Europe to England, with his eye-witness report smuggled on microfilm in the handle of a razor, he became the first man to tell the Allies about the Holocaust - only to be ignored.



Karski introduces himself as a somewhat unlikely hero: a young man who wanted to be a demographer rather than a cavalryman or fighter pilot. Yet he discovered a diamond-hard resourcefulness that enabled him to escape from Soviet captivity – he was among the Polish troops who fled the Nazi Blitzkrieg only to be taken prisoner by the Soviet forces that seized eastern Poland – and to carry microfilmed documents across Nazi-controlled Europe, including Germany itself, to the West.

His is not a story of conventional heroism: the cavalryman's charge or the fighter pilot's knightly combat. It is a morally grave resistance in which any attack or escape is likely to cause the deaths of comrades or civilians, because the occupiers follow a doctrine of "collective responsibility". When one underground printing press in Warsaw was raided, German forces not only killed the workers but executed the tenants of neighbouring houses: 83 people died in all. The underground minimised contacts between operatives in order to minimise the names that might be extracted under torture if agents were arrested. By the nature of their role, liaison agents had a wider network of contacts; the life expectancy of the women who carried out these duties was correspondingly short.

Karski himself was a political liaison agent. The underground was much more than an armed resistance organisation, and much more than a secret security state. It attempted to maintain the life of the nation by running clandestine schools, not just because the Nazis had shut down education above primary level, but also to counter what the underground saw as Nazi attempts to corrupt the morals of Polish young people with indecent forms of entertainment.

Most remarkably, it asserted democratic values not just against Nazism but against the colonel-ridden regime that had ruled Poland as the dictatorships rose around its borders. Imitating foreign dictators had failed to save the nation: the proper response to totalitarian oppression was to practice democracy within the resistance. In effect, the politicians who had opposed the colonels used the destruction of the Polish state to stage a democratic counter-coup.

The underground was based on a grand alliance between four parties, ranging from the socialist left – a strong current in Polish politics before the post-war Soviet takeover – to the nationalist right. Such co-operation would have been impossible in peacetime, as anybody who tries to follow Polish politics today will readily appreciate, but in extremis patriotism supervened. Karski's role in this alliance was pivotal. His job was to confer with party representatives and to report their positions, so that consensus agreements could be reached. It was in the course of his political liaison work that he met representatives of Jewish parties, who took him into the Warsaw ghetto.

Karski provides an astonishing insight into the operation of the secret Polish state, but of course his account is a product of the frightful moment in which it was written. It is obliged to maintain security and to emphasise unity; it is unable to reveal the incredulity and inaction with which his reports about the fate of Poland's Jews were received in Western offices of power. His story deserves not just revival but reflection, now that enough time has passed for the agonising wartime histories of central and eastern Europe to be reconstructed.

Reviewed by Marek Kohn (THE INDEPENDENT)


The Polish Underground State - Although the Underground State enjoyed broad support throughout much of the war, its influence declined amid military reversals and the growing hostility of the Soviet Union, which eventually supported the creation of a post-war government in Poland that was more amenable to Soviet interests. In the years immediately following the war, many of those involved with the Underground State were treated like criminals. During the Cold War era, research on the Underground State was curtailed by Polish communist officials, who emphasized the role that communist partisans played in the anti-Nazi resistance. Hence, until recently, the bulk of research done on this topic was carried out by Polish scholars living in exile.

pielgrzymka na jasną górę Częstochowa Tiziano Terzani reportage reporting dziennikarstwo journalism afryka africa nagroda nobla Nobel Stanisław Mikołajczyk Roosevelt Churchill Auschwitz Birkenau Oświęcim Gdańsk Westerplatte Hitler Stalin Rosja Smoleńsk Katyń Polska zgwałcona the rape of Poland Warszawa powstanie warszawskie powstanie w gettcie edelman zdążyć przed panem bogiem hanna krall ryszard kapuściński ksawery pruszyński izrael palestyna żydzi muzułmanie gaza zachodni brzeg yad vashem judaism obozy koncentracyjne łagry ludobójstwo genocide vichy francja węgry słowacja koszyce tatry górale zakopane stefan żeromski reymont piłsudski grot rowecki usa reportaż history story witold pilecki atlas polskiego podziemia niepodległościowego ipn istytut pamięci narodowej bronisław malinowski dyplomacja msz pińsk polesie łódź sikorski generał fieldorf nil anoda rodowicz prl komunizm psl lech kaczyński katastrofa smoleńska geografia ural ukraina upa wołyń afryka azja europa ameryka tiziano terzani kolonializm colonialism etnografia antropologia etnologia onz dziennikarstwo raport university press oxford kamienie na szaniec znak non-fiction domosławski africa afryka kaszmir azja asia europa europe unia europejska makarczyk etnografia polska polesie wołyń roztocze uran uranium kazimierz nowak chiny china indie india pakistan russia rosja zsrr soviet union Nowe kłamstwa w miejsce starych - komunistyczna strategia podstępu i dezinformacji Anatolij Golicyn moskwa moscow komunizm nazizm nazi naziści faszyzm faszyści francja vichy petain kolonializm koloni* historia history sudan mapa map wojna war pokój peace the beatles sting police mrożek gombrowicz adam mickiewicz juliusz słowacki poezja poeta biblia pismo święte koran tora religia religion gestapo getto holocaust genocide ludobójstwo rzeź ormian armenia kambodża ruanda rwanda bośnia i hercegowina sarajewo kosowo kosovo bih serbia jugosławia yugoslavia stany zjednoczone wietnam cambodgia laos bangladesz churchill jałta teheran iran persja władymir putin czeczenia zakajew zakajev władysław bartoszewski armia krajowa ludowe wojsko polskie french wisła nil niger kongo wołga ganges dunaj rumunia węgry budapeszt koszyce słowacja czechy sudety poznań włochy dania szwecja norwegia atlas jan matejko marian małowist czeczenia chechnia kavkaz kaukaz dagestan gruzja sakaszwili armenia azerbejdżan turcja turkey Yannick Haenel shoah Claude Lanzmann Raport Karskiego wydawnictwo czarne jerozolima tel awiw żydzi jews juden muzułmanie muslims islam chrześcijaństwo christianity catholic katolicy* religia religion biblia koran tora monde diplomatique lonely planet bradt guide europe eastern central irak iran persja herodot cesarz szachinszach wojciech tochman rwanda ruanda julie zeh jakbyś kamień jadła ipn instytut pamięci narodowej janusz kurtyka atlas polskiego podziemia niepodległościowego 1956 solidarność lech wałęsa lech kaczyński PO PiS komunizm stalinizm sołżenicyn władysław sikorski stanisław mikołajczyk władymir putin talibowie bin laden anna politkowska wwi ww1 wwii ww2 fokker albatros pfaltz rumpler heinkel dornier messerschmitt junkers focke wolf stuka spad nieuport farman se5a sopwith dehavilland spitfire hurricane richthofen voss immelmann boelcke galland molders goering rickenbacker luke lufbery mannock bishop mccudden mckeever albert ball bader guynemer fonck raf rfc flying corps air force royal usaf usaaf luftfwaffe jasta escadrille airfield aerodrome aircraft airplane fighter bomber boeing Witold Pilecki
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