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19-05-2012, 14:00
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bardzo stara piękna secesyjna mokka Thomas Jaeger z sygnaturą 1[zasłonięte]902-19 – Z HERBEM  KURORTU BERNECK I. F.


Bardzo ciekawy herb z głową owczarka – chociaż odnajdziemy również podobieństwo do Scooby Dooby Doo – z wystawionym czerwonym jęzorem – nad Chełmem z chusta i tarczą…

Pod sygnatura mamy napis bavaria i Charlotte- który zapewnio oznacze fason tej pięknej filiżanki.

Niestety filiżanka jest po przejściach ma dwa włosowate peknięcia – jedno przy rączce z mikroskopijnym ubytkiem drugie wzdłuż ścianki… mimo to zasługuje, żeby dumnie stanąć w kolekcji  filiżanek do mokki.

Serwis PM&M – datuje tę sygnaturę już od 1898 roku…i podaje nawet nr i datę rejestracji 'J & C' mark registered at the R.W.Z.R. under №·32·287 on August 5th 1898.


Historia fabryki bardzo ciekawa…: Marktredwitz:


There are two different stories about the early years of the company and many sources copied Roentgen's incorrect statement that the first company existed between 1898 and 1902 before Thomas left. That however is highly improbable as the mark registrations for the 'J&C' mark were applied for and filed under the registrar 'Porzellanfabrik Marktredwitz Jaeger & Co. c/o F. Jaeger' in 1898. Also one can find advertisements from 1900 that clearly state 'Porzellanfabrik Jaeger & Co' only. In both cases it is obvious that the name Thomas at that time was already missing from the company name. Roentgen of course completely ignores these facts and prefers to hold on to his own view of things, including incorrect claims regarding certain distributor additons (see 'Mark Comments' below).

Porzellanfabrik Jaeger, Thomas & Co. (1872 until 1898)

The company was founded in 1872 as small decoration company but soon started to successfully produce its own large array of tableware, coffee- and tea sets as well as giftware. During the first few years everything looked fine and even in 1897 'Jaeger, Thomas & Co.' received a brand new 90hp steam engine produced by the Maschinenfabrik, Eisengießerei und Kesselschmiede Heinrich Rockstroh, also located in Marktredwitz. But after various disputes with Jaeger regarding the product range and funding of special projects Fritz Thomas decided to leave the company and after extensive talks with Ens as potential partner finally quit in 1898, in 1903 founding the Porzellanfabrik Thomas & Ens.

Porzellanfabrik Marktredwitz, Jaeger & Co. (1898 until 1979)

Following the departure of Thomas the factory itself was slightly modernized and slowly expanded, by 1913 already employing around 400 workers. Over the years the factory flourished and even a small fire on February 9th 1923 could not hinder its progress. In the year 1930 the by then Councillor of Commerce ('Kommerzienrat') Fritz Jaeger employed 500 workers including those working in an own decoration studio in the city of München (Munich).

During the period until 1945 the factory had contracts with many US companies like Geo. H. Bowman Co. from Cleveland, Ohio, and directly supplied various US decoration studios like Caine's Studio from Akron, Ohio. Following the war however the Jaeger business mostly concentrated on the German market, trying to recapture shares it had lost in previous years before the war.

Jaeger Porzellan G.m.b.H. (1979 until 1986)

The year 1979 saw the factory and all assets being sold to the Sebring company from the town of Bari in Italy which itself was part of the Tognana Group. One may speculate why they purchased the factory in the first place as it was literally left to die, finally closing in 1986.