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Jackson, Mackenzie - Notes from a Hebridean Island

05-03-2012, 7:04
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Cena kup teraz: 49 zł     
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numer aukcji: 2100567606
Miejscowość Szczecin
Wyświetleń: 12   
Koniec: 05-03-2012 18:51:03

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: w folii
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William Jackson & Mackenzie - w wersji SACD HYBR oraz HDCD
Notes from a Hebridean Island - ZAPACHEM MORZA W TLE...
 Nośnik  Wydawca Cena   Waluta
 SACD Hybr  Linn Records 49
  Opis albumu
Multi-instrumentalist William Jackson remains steeped in deepest highland tradition - most of the reels and pipe pieces on this latest record date back centuries. It's the crystal clear voices of the three Mackenzie sisters of Lewis that steal the show here, however, nowhere more than on the aching lament "Ba mo leanabh"

I envy the visitor who is hooked by the very evocative (though not Hebridean) sleeve photograph on this CD, for inside he/she will hear some of the very best Scottish and Gaelic singing and instrumental music played by some of the best exponents of the art.

Produced and recorded by Calum Malcolm, it features mainly the considerable talents of William Jackson on harp, whistles, laud and piano and the equally considerable vocal talents of sisters Eilidh, Gillian and Fiona Mackenzie. Add to that guest musicians of the calibre of James Macintosh (percussion); Iain MacInnes (pipes); Tony McManus (guitar); Aidan O'Rourke (fiddle); Ian Lowthian (accordion) and Calum Malcolm himself on bass and keyboards and you can understand why this is no ordinary recording.

One or two of the tunes may have unfamiliar titles but are instantly recognisable and the Gaelic songs are sung beautifully. This reviewer's star track so far is a haunting version of Ba Mo Leanabh (O My Baby) which is a Canadian version of Griogal Cridhe, a lament attributed to the wife of Gregor MacGregor of Glenstrae and composed at his execution.

The instrumental tracks are beautifully paced, with the somewhat common recurring curse of playing everything at breakneck speed noticeably and thankfully absent. Here - aided by some clever arrangements - the melodies are allowed to stand up by themselves.

There isn't a weak track on the album, but it's probably worth mentioning that it's music for listening to. It's a joy from start to finish and is a near perfect example of all that's attractive about traditional - and traditional sounding - Scottish music.

Alan McIntosh Brown - The Living Tradition

>>> Większa okładka A <<<

1 - St Kilda'S Wedding, A St Kilda'S Dance >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
2 - Anna Bheag (Wee Anna) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
3 - Macphee'S Reel, Marion & Donald, Tail Toddle >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
4 - Ba Mo Leanabh (O My Baby) >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
5 - Barbara'S Jig, Kenny Macdonald'S Jig, Joseph Macdonald'S Jig >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
6 - A Fisherman'S Song For Attracting Seals
7 - Blue Ribbon, Scottish Measure
8 - The Battle Of Waterloo, The Wee Highland Laddie
9 - Skye Dance, Harris Dance
10 - The Mermaid'S Song
11 - Chaidh Mi'N Traigh A Deanamh Maoraich (I Went To The Beach To Collect Shellfish) Co Bheir Mi Leam (W
12 - Rory Dall'S Sister'S Lament
13 - Iain Ruaidh'S Lament (Tuireadh Ian Ruaidh)
14 - Looking South Over The Border
  Dodatkowe informacje
Płyta SACD HYBR Multi-CH HDCD do odtworzenia w każdym typie czytnika z gwarancją doznań, jakich nigdy nie zapewni zwykła płyta CD.
William Jackson - Gut-strung Harp, Wire-strung Harp, Whistles, Laud and Piano
Mackenzie: Eilidh, Gillian, Fiona - Vocals
James MacIntosh - Highland Pipes, Small Pipes
Tony McManus - Guitars
Aidan O'Rourke - Fiddle
Ian Lowthian - Accordian
Calum Malcolm - Bass and Keyboards

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Jackson, Mackenzie - Notes from a Hebridean Island