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J Sheekey FISH

06-02-2014, 3:05
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 150.99 zł     
Użytkownik martinigryf
numer aukcji: 3862507627
Miejscowość Gryfino
Zostało sztuk: 3    Wyświetleń: 1   
Koniec: 06-02-2014 03:13:03

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
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J Sheekey FISH 150.99 zł


The menu takes in prime fish such as Dover and lemon sole, brill and salmon, with seasonal specials such as Esk sea trout with lovage and girolles, roast lobster with sweetbreads and salt baked bass. Old favourites include lobster thermidor and Sheekey's famous fish pie.

J Sheekey Fish immortalises recipes from this renowned kitchen. Sheekey Executive Chef Tim Hughes has teamed up with legendary cookery editor Allan Jenkins to create the cookery book event of 2012.


Okładka twarda: 320 stron
Wydawca: Preface Publishing (18 październik 2012)
Język wydania: English
Wymiary: 26.2 x 21.2 x 4 cm
Autor/Producent: Tim Hughes

In the heart of London's Covent Garden, J Sheekey has been offering the finest fish, oysters, shellfish and other fruits de mer since the 1890s. Josef Sheekey was a market stall holder given permission by Lord Salisbury to serve fish and seafood in his 1896 property development in St Martin's Court, on the proviso that he supply meals to Salisbury's after-theatre dinner parties. Over a century later, the restaurant retains its late-Victorian charm and buzzes with fashionable folk and famous faces.

The menu takes in prime fish such as Dover and lemon sole, brill and salmon, with seasonal specials such as Esk sea trout with lovage and girolles, roast lobster with sweetbreads and salt baked bass. Old favourites include lobster thermidor and Sheekey's famous fish pie.

J Sheekey Fish immortalises recipes from this renowned kitchen. Sheekey Executive Chef Tim Hughes has teamed up with legendary cookery editor Allan Jenkins to create the cookery book event of 2012.

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Poczta polecony 9,99zł

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Kurier 19,99zł


18 1090 [zasłonięte] 1[zasłonięte]4920001 [zasłonięte] 008853



Łukasz Martyniak

Ul. Iwaszkiewicza 4/2

74-101 Gryfino

PON - PTK 10:00 16:00


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