What's new of v2.0:
ITDB02 Arduino MEGA shield v2.0 support both 3.3V mainboard and 5V mainboard, so it not just can be used with Arduino MEGA but can with other MEGA compatible mainboards , like ChipKit MAX32. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ITDB02 LCD module is work in 3.3V voltage level and it's not compatible with Arduino MEGA pins , so we make a shield for Arduino MEGA. Now user can directly plug the ITDB02 in the shield and stand on the Arduino MEGA board.
The ITDB02 MEGA shield V2.0 supports both 16 bit mode and 8 bit mode ITDB02, you can use 2.4" or 3.2" with it. Different form the ITDB02 Arduino shield v1.3, now MEGA have enough pins for using SD card and Touch function at the same time.
Now the latest ITDB02 library example is compatible with the ITDB02 shield but not the MEGA shield, you can modify the setting to make it compatible with MEGA shield. ITDB02 lcd(37,36,35,34,33,32,31,30,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,38,39,40,41); lcd.Touchpin(6,5,4,3,2); You can download the latest library here: http://henningkarlsen.com/electronics/library.php?id=52 How to use the SD card socket ? Now the ITDB02 library has not include the functions for SD card , but we can offer you a existent filelogger library for Arduino, the pins of ITDB02 shield is compatible with this library. You can download it here : http://code.google.com/p/arduino-filelogger We provide the ITDB02-2.4 (8 bit mode with touch) , ITDB02-2.4WOT(8 bit without touch),ITDB02-3.2(16 bit), ITDB02-2.8 (8 bit) , ITDB02-2.5 (8 bit), ITDB02-3.2WD (16 bit) LCD modules. ITDB02 Arduino MEGA Shield v2.0 Manual
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