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22-01-2012, 8:37
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 159 zł     
Użytkownik shehol87
numer aukcji: 2030729270
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 437   
Koniec: 15-01-2012 18:53:26
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

E-mail: [zasłonięte]@o2.pl
Poczta Polska:
- priorytetowa: 6zł,
- za pobraniem: 14zł.

Za pobraniem wysyłam wyłącznie osobom z min. czerwoną gwiazdką

Nr. konta bankowego:
ALIOR: 95 2490 [zasłonięte] 0[zasłonięte]0050000 [zasłonięte] 759255
MBANK: 84 1140 [zasłonięte] 2[zasłonięte]0040002 [zasłonięte] 559024

Więcej informacji w zakładce "o mnie"





Methoxygonadiene (aka Max LMG)

Methoxygonadiene (aka Max LMG) is not a 17aa steroid so liver toxicity is not as harsh as with 17aa steorids, however the ethyl group on C-18 may make it slightly more toxic than a non-ethylated steroid (while increasing its oral bio-availability). The progestational activity of methoxygonadiene (once it is converted to its active metabolites) is considered to be slightly stronger than nandrolone.

In the stomach acid, the C-3 methoxy group is rapidly cleaved off and the double bond on the A ring at C-2 is lost. At this point, a 3-oxo is formed and a metabolite known as 13b-ethyl-nor-androstenedione is created, which is chemically similar to norbolethone, and probably where this compound gets most of its effects. 

13b-ethyl-nor-androstenedione is about equal to testosterone in anabolic potency, yet less androgenic. This would make this compound fairly light on the hairline with minimal chance of acne or other androgenic side-effects.

5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin

5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin was discovered by a American scientist in 1996. It was shown to possess an anabolic/androgenic ratio similar to one of the most efficient anabolic substances, in particular Anavar but without the side effects of liver toxicity or testing positive for steroidal therapy. Athletes have found dramatic strength increases in 3-5 days, and muscle mass increases in 3-4 weeks. Muscle mass or fat loss is only a function of caloric intake. If you are a male that is a hard gainer or someone that is looking to put on extra lean muscle and most important, keep it. This is the ONLY compound EVER designed to do this without steroidal influence. 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin is great for drug testing and does not test positive for steroids. Tests showed that protein synthesis increased by over 200%, the key to lean muscle growth and accelerated repair. Body fat reduction is one of the key components of this molecule. When you restrict your calories you reduce body fat dramatically. In testing the molecule has balance cortisol response which is the major cornerstone to healthy recovery and reduction of muscle wasting. It's also been shown to balance cortisol on calorie restricted diets, helps control glucose and increases thyroid function.