Sam Keen
Inward Bound
Exploring the Geography of Your Emotions
New York 1992
Stron 228, format: 13x21,5 cm
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"WHERE WE STUMBLE AND FALL THERE WE FIND THE GOLD. BENEATH THE FAULT LIES THE VIRTUE. AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS IS ONLY POSSIBLE WHEN WE ALLOW OURSELVES TO EXPERIENCE THE FULL RANGE OF HUMAN EMOTIONS, INCLUDING BOREDOM, FEAR, GRIEF ANGER, AND DESPAIR."In this fascinating and inspiring book, Sam Keen, bestselling author of Fire in the Belly, guides us on an enlightening journey across the emotional landscape of our own inner psyches. Using self-tests and practical advice, Inward Bound teaches us to master the art of emotional literacy—how-to understand what our minds and bodies are really telling us through the ups and downs of our emotions.Paying special attention to "negative" emotions such as fatigue, depression, grief, and especially boredom—the undiagnosed disease from which most "normal" people suffer—Keen shows us how the low periods in our lives can actually be the impetus for the most profound and lasting change. While most people deny emotional lows in the hopes that they will go away; eat, drink, or tranquilize themselves; take mood elevators; or otherwise fill their time with empty activities, Keen instead teaches us how to re-vision negative emotions as positive way stations on the path to self-discovery.In Inward Bound, Keen shows us how to recover the full spectrum of our feelings and points the reader on a journey to greater health, intimacy, vitality, and a renewed joy in life.
CONTENTSIntroduction: No Rainbow Without Blues viiPart I Boredom, Blahs, and Blues: The Geography of Night CountryThe Boredom Epidemic 3A Short History of the Blues and the Noontide Demon 16Life-styles: Runners, Fighters, and Hiders 36A Map for Psychonauts 42Fatigue: The Personal Energy Crisis 48Simple Boredom: Monotony 59Chronic Boredom 80The Deepening Darkness: Depression and Apathy 102Part II The Whole-some LifeThe Upward Spiral: A Preview 115The Joyful Art of Doing Nothing 117Breakout: Beyond Guilt and Shame 127The Renewal of Imagination and Desire 136Feeling Alive: Unfreezing E-motions 143Risk Taking 160From Sex to Intimacy 178The Politics of Depression and Hope 198Notes 220Index 223