Skrypt dla studentów filologii angielskiej do przedmiotu translatoryka.
Preface, Introduction, What is translation?, Translation studies (Pure translation studies; Applied translation studies; Translation studies and other disciplines), Translation and interpreting, Types of translation, Translation process, Equivalence, Translation and discourse, Quality of translation, Principles of translation, Translation problems (General problems; The problem of "untranslatability"), Translation procedures and techniques, Specialised types of translation (Literary translation: Translation of poetry, Translation of fiction, Translation of drama; Non-literary translation), Machine translation (What is machine translation?; The idea of machine translation; History), Computer-assisted translation, Translator training (Translator's skill profile; Translation maxims; Translation procedure: Preparation, Analysis, Transfer, Initial draft, Reworking the initial draft, Testing the translation), Translation quality assessment (The notion of assessment; Translation competence; Assessment criteria; Practical assessment criteria for translation novices), Dictionary work (Terminology; A brief look into history; Types of dictionaries; Lexical information categories; Dictionary making), Terminology work (Theory; Terms and their standardisation; Term banks), Translation in foreign language teaching and learning, Some recommended reading on translation, Translation journals, Other used sources, ANNEX 1: Glossary of translation and interpretation terms, ANNEX 2: List of selected translator organisations, ANNEX 3: The European Union's language charter: Legal basis.