This comprehensive book examines both the principal
methods used in cross-cultural training and a selection
of techniques and instructional devices. Six methods are
examined in twenty articles: roleplays, contrast-culture
training, simulation games, critical incidents, the
culture assimilator, and case studies. In each, a lead
article traces the development and use of the particular
method; several articles then offer specific
applications. Intercultural Sourcebook provides both a
framework for conceptualizing the training methods
covered and guidelines for applying them in one's own
work. Each article is written by an experienced trainer;
in fact, the author list comprises a "who's who" in the
field. Thorough, practical and enlightening, this book
will define the field for years to come. "The
Intercultural Sourcebook was worth waiting for. The
clarity of its presentation, the scope of its coverage,
and its bringing together some of the most experienced
in the field offers us the most complete and up-to-date
resource for our intercultural work. Put it on your
'must have' list." -Carolyn Ryffel, Cendant
Intercultural Contents Acknowledgments Preface
Introduction 1 Intercultural Training Design 2 Role
Plays 3 Contrast Culture 4 Simulation Games 5 Critical
Incidents 6 Culture Assimilator 7 Case Studies Epilogue
About the Authors About the Authors Sandra M. Fowler has
been an intercultural program manager, consultant,
researcher, and trainer for over three decades. A former
president of the Society for Intercultural Education,
Training and Research (SIETAR International), Fowler
also served on the Board of Directors for the North
American Simulation and Gaming Association (NASAGA) and
now conducts intercultural training at home and abroad.
Monica Mumford is an international project administrator
for the Barents group and treasurer for SIETAR
International. She has years of training experience in a
variety of corporate settings.