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Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Assessing Ag

08-02-2014, 17:36
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 222.99 zł     
Użytkownik martinigryf
numer aukcji: 3870440324
Miejscowość Gryfino
Wyświetleń: 2   
Koniec: 08-02-2014 17:19:36

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Stan: Nowy
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Inspections and Reports on Dwellings: Assessing Age The Inspections and Reports on Dwellings 222.99 zł


Okładka miękka: 234 stron
Wydawca: Estates Gazette (27 wrzesień 2004)
Język wydania: English
Wymiary: 1.9 x 19 x 24.8 cm

All reports on dwellings require an age assessment, which may be a determining factor in a loan application and is a necessary prerequisite for calculating reinstatement costs related to forms of construction commonly adopted at particular times and it is essential for the inspector to be able to relate these two factors.

This book is divided into twelve age bands with seventy two colour photos of dwellings for each period. Each age band contains a commentary outlining the social, economic and technical circumstances of the time, which helps to explain why they look as they do. An overview of the photographs draws attention to the particular features which help to place a dwelling within one of the defined periods.

The broad range of dwellings covered, from the new to the old, the large to the small, with those built privately and those built by local authorities, will provide the necessary assistance towards identifying the age of a dwelling in any part of the UK.

All those engaged in inspecting, whether studying to qualify, newly qualified or experienced will benefit greatly from reading this book.

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Łukasz Martyniak

Ul. Iwaszkiewicza 4/2

74-101 Gryfino

PON - PTK 10:00 16:00


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