Information Technology in a Global Society is the
first textbook written specifically for the new IB ITGS
syllabus, covering IT systems, social impacts and
ethical issues, and each area of application. The text
provides engaging content that blends clear examples of
technical concepts with consideration of social issues.
Discussion points for extended independent learning and
complete, modern examples are included to enhance
teaching and understanding, and ensure students get the
best possible experience from the ITGS course. A free
sample chapter is available on the book's web site, features include:Clear
objectives for each chapter, tied directly to the ITGS
syllabus, so you can be sure that all aspects of the
course are being covered.Course content is explained
through clear and up to date examples, plus historical
context.Over 200 varied exercises, mixing ethical
discussion points, classroom exercises, practical
activities, and exam style questions to cover the
syllabus content from a variety of assessment angles.
Theory of Knowledge (TOK) links are included, enabling
integration with the IB core hexagon. Common mistakes
and misconceptions are highlighted so students can avoid
them.Key language review for every chapter, plus a
complete glossary of ITGS terminology.Over 300 diagrams,
photographs, and illustrations to bring topics
alive.Fully cited examples in every chapter mean
students can extend their learning with wider reading—an
essential part of IB courses.Free online support to
extend learning with additional case studies, links, and
activities ( |