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In Focus: Hill and Adamson

24-06-2012, 17:11
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KSIĘGARNIA ARTYSTYCZNA BOOKOFF | UL.OGRODOWA 7 | 00-893 WARSZAWA | TEL. (22)[zasłonięte]253 62 | KOM. 503 [zasłonięte] 126

In Focus: Hill and Adamson

Dane książki
ISBN 978-[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]23654
Oprawa Oprawa miękka
Ilość stron 144
Wydawnictwo J. Paul Getty Museum
Język Angielski

Cena: 69.00 PLN (wystawiamy faktury vat)

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Księgarnia Bookoff przy ul. Ogrodowej 7 specjalizuje się w książkach i albumach fotograficznych.
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Shortly after the dawn of photography, the unlikely partnership between the respected painter David Octavius Hill and the young engineer Robert Adamson produced some of the most important photographs in the history of the medium. Their alliance began when Hill, while working on his large commemorative painting of the people involved in forming the Free Church of Scotland in 1843, began using photography as a tool to document the church elders.

What followed was a four-and-a-half-year partnership—cut short by Adamson's untimely death in 1848—that produced a large body of work. During their association Hill and Adamson experimented with some of the earliest calotype processes creating hundreds of portraits, staged dramatic photographs, and architectural and landscape images.

The Getty Museum holds more than four hundred works by Hill and Adamson, forty-seven of which are featured in this volume. The plates are accompanied by commentary from Anne M. Lyden, curatorial assistant in the Department of Photographs at the Museum. A color foldout of Hill's above-referenced painting The Signing of the Deed of Demission (The Disruption Picture) appears in the back of the book.

In Focus: Hill and Adamson also includes a chronology of the key events of the artists' partnership and an edited transcript of a colloquium on the artists, with participants Lyden; Weston Naef, curator emeritus of photographs at the J. Paul Getty Museum; Sara Stevenson, curator of photographs at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery; Alison Morrison-Low, curator, History of Science Section, National Museums of Scotland; Jonathon Reff, photographer, Los Angeles; Michael Wilson, private collector, Los Angeles and London; and David Featherstone, independent editor and curator, San Francisco.

Aukcja stworzona 2<span class=hidden_cl>[zasłonięte]</span>012-06 22:04:10 przez sklep oparty na systemie IAI-Shop.