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24-08-2014, 9:02
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Koniec: 24-08-2014 08:45:40

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Polska wersja językowa: napisy, lektor
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Tytuł oryginalny: The Name of the Rose
Tytuł polski: jw
Rok produkcji: 1986

Jean-Jacques Annaud

Obsada: Sean Connery, F. Murray Abraham, Ron Perlman, Christian Slater


To robota Diabła. Tak twierdzą świadkowie dziwnych morderstw w czternastowiecznym opactwie. Ale brat Wilhelm z Baskerville jest odmiennego zdania. Imię Róży to znakomita ekranizacja bestsellerowej powieści Umberto Eco, w której Sean Connery gra dociekliwego zakonnika Wilhelma.

Jean-Jacques Annaud's The Name of the Rose is a flawed attempt to adapt Umberto Eco's highly convoluted medieval bestseller for the screen, necessarily excising much of the esoterica that made the book so compelling. Still, what's left is a riveting whodunit set in a grimly and grimily realistic 14th-century Benedictine monastery populated by a parade of grotesque characters, all of whom spend their time lurking in dark places or scuttling, half-unseen, in the omnipresent gloom. A series of mysterious and gruesome deaths are somehow tied up with the unwelcome attention of the Inquisition, sent to root out suspected heretical behavior among the monastic scribes whose lives are dedicated to transcribing ancient manuscripts for their famous library, access to which is prevented by an ingenious maze-like layout.

Enter Sean Connery as investigator-monk William of Baskerville (the Sherlock Holmes connection made explicit in his name) and his naive young assistant Adso (a youthful Christian Slater). The Grand Inquisitor Bernado Gui (F. Murray Abraham) suspects devilry; but William and Adso, using Holmesian forensic techniques, uncover a much more human cause: the secrets of the library are being protected at a terrible cost. A fine international cast and the splendidly evocative location compensate for a screenplay that struggles to present Eco's multifaceted story even partially intact; Annaud's idiosyncratic direction complements the sinister, unsettling aura of the tale ideally.

Czas trwania: 130 minutes (approx) + dodatki
Dźwięk: angielski DTS HD, polski lektor
Napisy: polskie i inne
Polska wersja językowa: lektor, napisy
Dodatki: Photo Video Journey With Jean-Jacques Annaud, Theatrical Trailer.
Region: B (Europa, Polska)
Ilość dysków: 1