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Illustarted Mayhew's London Dickens postacie

21-01-2015, 0:29
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Cena kup teraz: 47 zł     
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Koniec: 21-01-2015 00:32:59

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 1.20 [kg]
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1986
Tematyka: Życie codzienne, obyczaje
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The Illustarted Mayhew's London

The classic account o London street life and charactes in the time of Charles Dickens and Queen Victoria

edited by J. Canning, introduced by Asa Briggs


London 1986

Stron 264, format: 19x25 cm


100 czarno-białych i 8 kolorowych ilustracji


Książka jest używana, stan dobry plus, bez defektów.


Henry Mayhew's brilliantly observed record of London's poor in the middle of the nineteenth century has deservedly become a classic. He was the first writer to reveal to the comfortable and secure citizens of his own generation another London of which they were unaware. Disraeli's 'two nations' were never in starker contrast than in the capital itself.

His work has lost none of its relevance and importance for the present day. It reminds us of what life was like for thousands in the greatest city of the world, and remains a vital document for historical understanding or any kind of social perspective.

London Labour and the London Poor was based on a series of letters which Mayhew wrote for the Morning Chronicle in 1849-50. During the course of his investigations he discerned the numerous sub-cultures that existed among the poor, and described often in minute detail the occupations and preoccupations of the multifarious tribes who lived in the rookeries and tenements of the east end, and worked in the streets and the sweat-shops of Whitechapel, Limehouse and Wapping, of Shadwell, Rotherhithe and the Ratcliff Highway. Here to the life are many of Dickens' seamier characters.

His story is one which tells of a deadly struggle for existence, always enlightened by compassion and often with humour. There was no welfare state, no safety net for the unemployed, the unfit or the disabled; life confronted one with the starkest choice — either survival, or the workhouse to which many preferred death.

But all was not doom and gloom; London, even Mayhew's half of it, was in many ways a more vital and colourful city than it is today.

The editor has selected a cross-section from Mayhew's immense work, and presents it here accompanied for the first time by many contemporary black-and-white illustrations and eight pages of colour.

'Do you read the Morning Chronicle? Do you devour those marvellous revelations of the inferno of misery, of wretchedness, that is smouldering under our feet? We live in a mockery of Christianity that, with the thought of its hypocrisy, makes me sick. We know nothing of this terrible life that is about us — us, in our smug respectability. To read of the sufferings of one class, and the avarice, the tyranny, the pocket cannibalism of the other, makes one almost wonder that the world should go on...

'I send you the Chronicle of yesterday. You will read therein what I think you will agree to be one of the most beautiful records of the nobility of the poor; of those whom our jaunty legislators know nothing... For comprehensiveness of purpose and minuteness of detail they [Mayhew's letters] have never been approached. He will cut his name deep.'

DouglasJerrold, writing to a friend in February, 1850, about Mayhew's ChroniclehttcTS.



Editor's Note 7

Introduction by Asa Briggs 8

The Varieties of Street Folk in General, and Costermongers in Particular Costermongering Mechanics 14

The London Street Markets on a Saturday Night 15

Habits and Amusements of Costermongers 19

'Vic Gallery' 29

The Uneducated State of Costermongers 33

The Education of the 'Coster-Lads' 35

The Dress of the Costermongers 41

The 'Penny Gaff' 44

The Street Sellers of Fish: Billingsgate 48

The Street Sellers of Fruit and Vegetables: Co vent Garden Market 55

The London Flower Girls 59

Two Orphan Flower Girls 61

Watercress-selling in Farringdon Market 64

The History of some Irish Street Sellers 68

The Street Sellers of Eatables and Drinkables 72

The Street Sellers of Pea Soup and Hot Eels 76

The Street Sellers of Pickled Whelks 78

The Street Sellers, and the Preparation of Fried Fish 79

Statements of Sheep's Trotter Women 80

The Street Trade in Baked Potatoes 83

'Trotting' or 'Hawking' Butchers 86

The Experience of a Ham Sandwich Seller 87

Coffee Stall Keepers 88

The Street Sale of Peppermint Water 90

Milk Selling in St. James's Park 90

The Street Sale of Milk 91

Street Piemen 92

The Street Sellers of Boiled Puddings 95

The Street Sellers of Plum 'Duff' or Dough 96

Running Patterers 96

Experience of a Running Patterer 97

The Filth, Dishonesty, and Immorality of Low Lodging Houses • 100

Statement of a Prostitute 107

The Crippled Street Seller of Nutmeg Graters 111

The Character of Books of the Street Sale 113

The Swag Shops of the Metropolis 116

Statement of a Packman 119

The Street Sellers of Secondhand Musical Instruments 120

The Music 'Duffers' 122

The Old Clothes Exchange 124

The Street Sellers of Petticoat and Rosemary Lanes 127

Rosemary Lane 139

The Secondhand Sellers of Smithfield Market 143

The Street Sellers of Live Animals 146

A Dog 'Finder' - A 'Lurker's' Career 148

The Tricks of the Bird Duffers 151

The Street Sellers of Birds' Nests 154

The River Beer Sellers, or Purl Men 158

The Street Buyers of Rags, Broken Metal, Bottles, Glass, and Bones 168

The 'Rag-and-Bottle', and the 'Marine-Store' Shops 172

The Buyers of Kitchen Stuff, Grease, and Dripping 177

The Street Jews 179

The Trades and Localities of the Street Jews 181

The Street Finders or Collectors 188

The 'Pure' Finders 191

The Sewer Hunters 199

The Mud Larks 206

The Dustmen of London 214

The General Characteristics of the Working Chimney Sweepers 225

The Rats in the Sewers 229

A Night at Rat-Killing 233

The Fantoccini Man 242

Street Clown 247

'Old Sarah' 252

Omnibus Conductors 256

Appendix i Costermonger Slang: Some Terms and Phrases 261

Appendix ii Sunday Morning Markets 262

Appendix hi Money 263

Appendix iv 'Coster Districts' 264

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