Raymond Aron called Merleau-Ponty "the most
influential French philosopher of his generation." First
published in France in 1947, Humanism and Terror was in
part a response to Arthur Koestler's Darkness at Noon,
and in a larger sense a contribution to the political
and moral debates of a postwar world suddenly divided
into two ideological armed camps. For Merleau-Ponty, the
central question was: could Communism transcend its
violence and intentions? The value of a society is the
value it places upon man's relation to man,
Merleau-Ponty examines not only the Moscow trials of the
late thirties but also Koestler's re-creation of them.
He argues that violence in general in the Communist
world can be understood only in the context of
revolutionary activism. He demonstrates that it is
pointless to ask whether Communism respects the rules of
liberal society; it is evident that Communism does not.
In post-Communist Europe, when many are addressing
similar questions throughout the world, Merleau-Ponty's
discourse is of prime importance; it stands as a major
and provocative contribution to limits on the use of
violence. The argument is placed in its current context
in a brilliant new introduction by John O'Neill. His
remarks extend the line of argument originally developed
by the great French political philosopher. This is a
major contribution to political theory and philosophy.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty, until his death in 1961, held the
Chair of Philosophy at the Coll�ge de France. He was
recognized as both an authentic and profoundly original
disciple of Husserlian phenomenology, and a major figure
in the development of existential thought. John O'Neill,
who has prepared this accurate and well-written
translation, is professor of sociology at York
University, Ontario, Canada. Educated at the London
School of Economics, Notre Dame, and Stanford, he is
translator of Jean Hyppolite's Studies on Marx and Hegel
and author of Perception, Expression and History.