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Human resource management in transition Pocztowski

02-02-2014, 23:41
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Human resource management in transition
Pocztowski Aleksy

Human resource management in transition Pocztowski
Wolters Kluwer
Ilość stron:228
Rok wydania: 2011

This book is an attempt to reflect on HRM (Human Resource Management) in Poland between 1989 and 2009. It is based on the theoretical studies and empirical analyses undertaken by the Chair of Human Capital Management at the Cracow University of Economics, as well as on the results of other empirical research available on the market. The intention of the authors, who are all researchers at the Chair, was above all to capture the principal changes that have taken place in the field of HRM in Poland. Due to the unprecedented scope and the fast pace of the changes, analyses of the same issue have often led to disparate results, depending on the time when they were performed, the sector they were related to, or the sample selected. In that context, it was both interesting and difficult to examine the manner in which the theoretical concepts prevailing in the world at the time managed to find their place in Polish reality, at a time of economic and social transformation.