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How to say it in polish? Rozmówki angielsko-pol.

03-06-2012, 2:18
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Wyświetleń: 10   
Koniec: 18-05-2012 15:52:38

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1973
Język: angielski
Zestaw: sama książka
Ćwiczenia: bez ćwiczeń
Przeznaczenie: do gimnazjum, do liceum, dla dorosłych,
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Przedmiotem aukcji jest używana książka:

How to say it in polish? A conversation guide with phonetic transcription (rozmówki angielsko-polskie)

Autorzy: Bożena, Roman Retman
Strony: 232; Format: 10,5 x 14,5 cm
Waga: 126 g.
ISBN: brak
Wydanie: III (1973); Nakład: 10264 szt.
Wydawca: Wiedza Powszechna (Warszawa)
Oprawa: miękka
Stan książki: średni

Stan okładki: średni, okładka jest pożółkła, posiada liczne ślady zagięć i przetarć, grzbiet uszkodzony w dolnej części. Okładka jest odklejona od pierwszej kartki (jest połączona tylko z ostatnią kartką książki).

Stan kartek: pożółkłe, ostatnie kartki są częściowo rozklejone. Na pierwszej stronie znajduje się pieczątka poprzedniej właścicielki.


Ever more frequent international travels are a characteristic feature of the present day. They not only witness to progress in the technique of transport and the widening horizons of the modern man. Millions of tourists visiting yearly all parts of the globe get acquainted with the living conditions, hopes and aspirations of other peoples. Getting to know each other contributes to mutual understanding and rapprochement between nations and is the best if not the only way to establish lasting close relations.
We publish this modest book with a sincere wish that it may aid the visitor and add pleasure to his stay in our country. We also wish that this book may help him to make closer contact with the people who live and work in our country. We shall be happy if it succeeds in serving this purpose even in a small way."



♦ Index
♦ Comments on the phonetic transcription and pronunciation of Polish

I. Inscriptions
1. Warnings and notices
2. Sign-boards

II. Quantitative denotations
1. Counting, operations
a. Numerals
b. Operations
2. Money, exchange
3. Measures and weights
4. Dimensions
5. Temperature

III. Time
1. Clock
2. Calendar
3. Dates

IV. Man, nature, world
1. Properties of objects
a. Colours
b. Shapes
c. Dimensions
d. Temperature
e. Other properties
2. Place, direction, position
a. Cardinal points
b. Direction and position
3. Topography
4. Day and night
5. Weather
6. Animals, birds and plants
a. Domestic animals
b. Wild animals
c. Domestic birds
d. Wild fowl
e. Insects
f. Trees
g. Other plants

V. Some everyday phrases
1. Greetings
a. When meeting
b. When parting
c. Wishes
2. Conversation
a. Addressing a person
b. Starting a conversation and an acquaintance
c. Agreement, expressing consent
d. Expressing doubt
e. Denial, refusal, protest
f. Asking, getting information
g. Request, wish, intention
h. Advice and warning
i. Expressing recognition, joy, amazement
j. Expressing regret, dissatisfaction, anger

VI. Talking about personal affairs
1. Personal data
2. Profession, education,, interests
3. Marital status, family
4. Language, nationality, country, residence
5. Countries, nationalities, languages
6. Continents

VII. Travelling
1. Travelling, means of transport (general)
2. Railway
a. Time-table, travel-agency, enquiries
b. Station, booking office, luggage office, on the platform, departure
c. Journey, conversation on the train, checking the tickets, stops, restaurant car, sleeping car
d. On the frontier, examining the passports, getting through the customs
e. Arrival, taxi
3. Plane
4. Boat
5. Coach, car

VIII. Hotel
1. Looking for a hotel
2. Taking a room
3. At the hotel
a. Registration, room
b. Service
c. Bed-linen, bath
d. Meals, complaints, waking up
4. Leaving the hotel, hotel bill

IX. Meals
1. Restaurant
2. Meals and dishes
3. Bar
4. Cafe, confectionery

X. Tradesman`s services
1. Hairdresser
a. Ladies` hairdresser
b. Gentlemen`s, hairdresser
2. Dressmaker and tailor
3. Shoemaker
4. Photographer
5. Watchmaker

XI. Post-office, telegraph, telephone
1. Correspondence
a. Postman, receiving the mail
b. Writing a letter
c. Phrases and polite formulas
d. At the post-office
2. Telegraph
3. Telephone

XII. Shopping
1. Shopping (in general)
2. At a kiosk
.3. At a tobacconist`s
4. At a perfumery
5. At a sweet-shop
6. At a baker`s
7. At a butcher`s
8. At a dairy
9. At a grocer`s
10. At a fruiterer`s, at a green-grocer`s
11. At a stationer`s
12. At a souvenir shop
13. At a florist`s
14. At a book-seller`s
15. At a shoe-shop
16. At a clothier`s
17. At an outfitter`s
18. At a draper`s
19. At a haberdasher`s
20. At a milliner`s
21. At a hatter`s
22. At a jeweller`s and a watchmaker`s
23. At an optician`s
24. At a photographic supply store
25. At a sports-outfitter`s
26. At a music shop
27. At a toy shop
28. At a trunk-maker`s

XIII. Health
1. Human body
2. The condition of one`s health, the way one feels, ailments
3. At a doctor`s, signs and symptoms, diseases, examination, prescribing a medicine
4. At a chemist`s
5. At a dentist`s

XIV. Town
1. About the town (in general)
2. Showing the way
3. Town transport
4. Monuments and sights
5. Museum

XV. Entertainment
1. Visit
2. Theatre, concert, opera, cinema, circus
a. Theatre
b. Concert
c. Opera
d. Cinema
e. Circus
3. Dancing
4. Radio and television
5. Reading-room, library
6. Excursion
a. Excursion (in general)
b. Weather
c. Finding one`s way about
d. Getting provisions in the country
7. Sports
a. Hunting and angling
b. Other sports

Some Remarks on Polish Grammar

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Antykwariat Internetowy In Nomine jest prowadzony przez firmę NET System Igor Białogoński

25-363 Kielce, ul. Wesoła 51/613, NIP: 657[zasłonięte]115-24, REGON: 260[zasłonięte]547

Kontakt - tel. 605 [zasłonięte] 305, e-mail: [zasłonięte]@innomine.pl