Tiffany Current successfully navigated the perils
of her live-in relationship only to marry the man who
provided fodder for her how to guidebook. But it wasn't
all that from the start. Within weeks of moving in with
him, she was ready to chuck his PlayStation out the
window and hand his cat off to a stranger. After only a
few short months, she was ready to end her relationship
since they couldn't agree on anything. Whether
discussing cleaning habits, house rules or decorating
tastes, everything turned into an argument. As a result,
she realised three important success laws:
Communication - You need to constantly let each
other know what is and isn't working in order for your
live-in relationship to be a success. Teamwork - you
need to be willing to work together and share in the
responsiblitilies (in setting ground rules, handling
chores, making decisions, dealing with relationship
hardships, etc.). Compromise - Since this is a
partnership,that means you can't always have things your
way. You need to be willing to hear other options and
come up with solutions that you both can agree on.
The book is packed with witty communication tips,
quizzes, hilarious mock conversations and more, all
designed to help you in your decision to shack up or
make the most of the situation you're already in. Own up
to your bad habits and know your deal breakers!