Was Roger Williams too pure for the Puritans, and
what does that have to do with Rhode Island? Why
did Augustine Herman take ten years to complete the map
that established Delaware? How did Rocky Mountain
rogues help create the state of Colorado? All this
and more is explained in Mark Stein's new book. How
the States Got Their Shapes Too follows How the States
Got Their Shapes looks at American history through the
lens of its borders, but, while How The States Got Their
Shapes told us why, this book tells us who. This
personal element in the boundary stories reveals how we
today are like those who came before us, and how we
differ, and most significantly: how their collective
stories reveal not only an historical arc but, as
importantly, the often overlooked human dimension in
that arc that leads to the nation we are today. The
people featured in How the States Got Their Shapes Too
lived from the colonial era right up to the
present. They include African Americans, Native
Americans, Hispanics, women, and of course, white
men. Some are famous, such as Thomas Jefferson,
John Quincy Adams, and Daniel Webster. Some are
not, such as Bernard Berry, Clarina Nichols, and Robert
Steele. And some are names many of us know
but don't really know exactly what they did, such as
Ethan Allen (who never made furniture, though he burned
a good deal of it). In addition, How the States Got
Their Shapes Too tells of individuals involved in the
Almost States of America, places we sought to include
but ultimately did not: Canada, the rest of Mexico (we
did get half), Cuba, and, still an issue, Puerto
Rico. Each chapter is largely driven by voices
from the time, in the form of excerpts from
congressional debates, newspapers, magazines, personal
letters, and diaries. Told in Mark Stein's
humorous voice, How the States Got Their Shapes Too is a
historical journey unlike any other you've taken.
The strangers you meet here had more on their minds than
simple state lines, and this book makes for a great new
way of seeing and understanding the United States.