Stewart Perowne
Holy Places of Christendom
Oxford University Press 1976
Stron 160, format: 20x26 cm
165 kolorowych fotografii
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Stewart Perowne takes the reader on a pilgrimage which begins in the Holy Land following the path of Jesus and travels throughout Europe to the holy places of the New World and Japan. 'The desire to be a pilgrim is deeply rooted in human nature. To stand where those that we reverence once stood, to see the very sites where they were born and toiled and died, gives us a feeling of mystical ' contact with them and is a practical expression of our homage.'—Runciman in A History of the Crusades The author, who is intimately familiar with the sites, records the scene of the Nativity, the Flight into Egypt, the Baptism in the Jordan, the Mounts of Temptation, of the Beatitudes and of the Transfiguration, and the journey from Bethany to Jerusalem during Holy Week. Perowne then retraces the Apostle Paul's life from Antioch to Ephesus to Malta, and ultimately to the site of his martyrdom in Rome.Perowne brings the reader face to face with many of the best known and most holy places in Christendom. He enhances magnificent color photographs with an inspirational text so that places as far apart as Oberammergau or Tintern Abbey and the memorial to St Francis Xavier in Japan come alive for the reader. In his description, Perowne identifies and explores the history of lesser-known religious objects such as St Teresa's book and inkwell and the Tinos ikon and well-revered places such as St Patrick's grave.The color photographs are of paintings and people, of great cathedrals—including St Peter's in Rome and Santiago de Compostela in Spain—and of humble shrines —such as the Coptic chapel in the edicule of the Holy Sepulchre. Perowne even includes Christ Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which has imbedded in its front door a ball from a Revolutionary musket. These photographs of living history demonstrate clearly that the idea of the holiness of both spirit and place is as old as man himself. And yet holy places constitute more than formal places of worship to Stewart Perowne; in his account he shows a monk in the process of manufacturing spirits in Chartreuse and a view of a Palm Sunday procession taking place in Beth phage. His book captures both in pictures and words the power, the sweep, and the humanity of the movement that began with twelve disciples and conquered the hearts and minds of the Western world Holy Places of Christendom is an invitation to a deeply moving experience and, for those who have visited it first-hand, a collection of memories.
ContentsIntroduction 7Unto us a Son is born' 11The Holy City 25Galilee 33The Way of the Cross 45The Holy Sepulchre 59'First Fruits of the Spirit' 73Paul: the Apostle to the Gentiles 81Caesars and Saints 93Monks and Missionaries 103Then longen folk togoon on pilgrimages' 12311 The One Remains' 143List of illustrations 157Acknowledgements 159Index 759