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|  | Sidney Toy
History of Fortification from 3000 BC to Ad 1700 The necessity to defend territory from strong points has been a fact of life since mankind first settled into agricultural communities. Sidney Toy traces the development of the art of fortification from the period of earliest historical examples down to the forts designed for defense by artillery, noting the salient features of the military works as well as the siege operations mounted against them. The castle is considered in its military aspect, as a fortress, and its domestic arrangements only in so far as they are ancillary to its function as a fortification and are necessary in its residence. This book is a product of a lifetime of travel, exploration and architectural study. The author himself surveyed most of the places described, and has drawn clear and fascinating ground maps and cross sections. There are also 200 superb photographs, maps and plans. The necessity to defend territory from strong points has been a fact of life since mankind first settled into agricultural communities. Sidney Toy traces the development of the art of fortification from the period of earliest historical examples down to the forts designed for defense by artillery, noting the salient features of the military works as well as the siege operations mounted against them. The castle is considered in its military aspect, as a fortress, and its domestic arrangements only in so far as they are ancillary to its function as a fortification and are necessary in its residence. This book is a product of a lifetime of travel, exploration and architectural study. The author himself surveyed most of the places described, and has drawn clear and fascinating ground maps and cross sections. There are also 200 superb photographs, maps and plans. 286 str., 24 x 15,5 cm,, język angielski, 380 g. NOWA
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| | Sprzedaje nowe i uzywane ksiazki, glownie anglojezyczne. Nasza ksiegarnia dziala w Wielkiej Brytanii, skad wysylam ksiazki do Polski i innych krajow europejskich. Wysylki dokonuje niezwlocznie po zaksiegowaniu wplaty na koncie. W tytule przelewu prosze o podanie numeru aukcji lub nicka!!! Nie koncze aukcji przed czasem! Nie wysylam za pobraniem. Komentarze dla kupujacych wystawiam jako drugi w kolejnosci. Zycze udanych zakupow!!! | |
| Przesylka Royal Mail Airmail - cena wg. wagi. Przy zakupie wiecej niz jednej pozycji, prosze o kontakt. Przy zakupie wiekszej ilosci ksiazek oferujemy korzystne warunki transportu za pomoca przesylki kurierskiej do Polski, co pozwala zaoszczedzic na kosztach wysyłki. | |