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Hindi Made Easy: Bk. 2 (GCSE Series)

29-01-2014, 19:45
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Koniec: 23-01-2014 14:46:29

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Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
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Hindi Made Easy: Bk. 2 (GCSE Series)

J. S. Nagra (Author), S.K. Nagra (Author)


This is the second book in the Hindi Made Easy series. Non Hindi speakers will find that as they progress through the book
the vocabulary and sentence structure become more complex. They will, therefore, find this book and the others in the series
extremely useful in gaining a grasp of the Hindi language. Questions at the end of each lesson are designed for the learners to
monitor their progress. Ample Hindi vocabulary with English translation is provided at the end of the book. This book will also
prove useful for the Breakthrough and Preliminary stages of the Languages Ladder.
Paperback: 68 pages
Publisher: Nagra Publications
Language: English