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Hibbert: The English A Social History 1[zasłonięte]066-19

12-04-2015, 9:07
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Koniec: 12-04-2015 09:12:55

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 1.80 [kg]
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1987
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Christopher Hibbert

The English

A Social History 1[zasłonięte]066-19


London 1987

Stron 785, format: 16x24 cm


32 czarno-białych i 34 kolorowych ilustracji


Książka używana: na grzbiecie minimalne uszkodzenia.


In this vivid and compelling book, Christopher

Hibbert records the daily life of the English people from the days of the Norman Conquest until our own. Based on diaries, letters, memoirs, official reports, the works of modern social historians and the literature of every period, The English traces the development of English society over nine hundred years.

The chapters range far and wide over life in castles, palaces and monasteries, in the homes of

rich merchants and in the hovels of peasants, describing the work and play of the inhabitants, their clothes and food and possessions, their servants and animals, their pleasures and suffering, their beliefs and attitudes, their schools,

fairs, shops and markets, hospitals and prisons, theatres and churches, farms and factories, taverns and brothels. Every aspect of medieval and modern life is covered in fascinating detail.

We learn about medieval meals and games, poachers and priests, tournaments and pageants; fifteenth-century universities; sixteenth-century plagues and seventeenth-century libraries, music rooms, nurseries and witch-hunts; eighteenth-century parsons, coachmen and doctors; nineteenth-century noblemen, factory girls and cricketers; twentieth-century maidservants, landladies and motorists.

The English is one of the most informative and entertaining social histories of England ever written.




Author's Note x

A Note on Money xi

Chronology of Reigns xii

Prologue xiii


part one • The Middle Ages

1 Castles, Lords and Chatelaines 3

2 Cottagers and Peasants 19

3 Plague and Revolt 32

4 Churches, Monks and Friars 39

5 Drinking and Playing 52

6 Wayfarers and Pilgrims 63

7 Tournaments, Pageants and Miracles 82

8 Town Life 97

9 Daughters and Wives 107

10 Pupils and Masters 112

11 Scholars and Students 124

12 Crime and Punishment 138

13 Doctors and Patients 149


part two • The Ages of Shakespeare and Milton

14 Villagers, Vagrants and Vagabonds 171

15 Priests, Parishioners and Recusants 186

16 Country Houses and Country People 194

17 Animals and Sportsmen 207

18 Readers and Music Makers 214

19 Clothes and Class 223

20 Citizens, Masters and Journeymen 228

21 Women and Children 236

22 Actors and Playgoers 240

23 'Whole Counties Became Desperate' 252

24 Schoolboys and Schoolgirls 265

25 Undergraduates and Tutors 277

26 'Roasted Chickens - Pease - Lobsters -Strawberries' 283


part three • From Defoe to Cobbett

27 'A Tour thro' the Whole Island' 299

28 Countrymen, Clergymen and Farmers 308

29 Country Houses and Gardens 323

30 Interiors 331

31 Manners and Dress 337

32 Travellers, Postmen and Innkeepers 347

33 Hunters, Poachers and Smugglers 358

34 Pastimes and Pleasures 363

35 Marriage and Divorce 381

36 Sex 397

37 Theatres and Shows 408

38 Quacks, Diseases and Cures 426

39 Operators and Tooth-drawers 441

40 'Youth are Expeditiously Instructed' . 448

41 Universities, Academies and the Grand Tour 458

42 Masters and Workers 466

43 Clothworkers and Machine-breakers 477

44 Rick-burners, Paupers and Chartists 488

45 Below Stairs

46 Shops and Shopping

47 Pedlars and Markets


part four • From the Victorians to Modern Times

48 Owners of the Land 541

49 Dressing, Smoking and Social Rank 549

50 Workers on the Land 558

51 Towns, Factories and Public Health 568

52 Mines, Brickfields and Sweat-shops 583

53 'No One Knows the Cruelty' 594

54 Middle Classes and Class Distinctions 601

55 Leisure Hours 621

56 The Flesh and the Spirit 633

57 Passengers and Drivers 644

58 Law and Order 661

59 Homes and Holidays 675

60 Wars and Aftermaths 689

References 711

Sources 738

Illustration credits 755

Index of Names 759

Index of Subjects 770

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