Autor: Annie Groves Wydawnictwo: 2005r Liczba stron: 535 Stan książki: db Jeśli WYSYŁKA: Koszt przesyłki 5,5 zł. List polecony. Wysyłka max 48h od momentu zaksięgowania pieniędzy na koncie Jeśli ODBIÓR osobisty - Saska Kępa, ul. Afrykańska. UWAGA! ODBIORY OSOBISTE WYŁĄCZNIE PO UPRZEDNIEJ WPŁACIE NA KONTO. PROWADZĘ DZIAŁALNOŚC GOSPODARCZĄ, KORZYSTAM ZE ZWOLNIENIA Z KASY FISKALNEJ - WSZYSTKIE WPŁYWY Z AUKCJI MUSZA SIĘ ZNALEŹĆ NA MOIM FIRMOWYM KONCIE! NIE MOGĘ PRZYJĄĆ GOTÓWKI. A breathtaking tale set in 1920s Liverpool and London of one girl's determination to trace her roots, find true love and succeed in a world where obstacles lurk around every corner. Hettie is an orphan, taken in by Ellie Pride and her husband to their Preston home and treated as one of the family. But she has never felt she truly belonged. Hettie has a special gift -- a beautiful singing voice -- and on the cusp of womanhood, she makes a choice that will alter the course of her life. Amid the bright lights of Liverpool, she will follow her dreams. But once there, the only way to survive is working in the kitchens of a restaurant. Until, by chance, she is heard singing by the owner! Whisked to London, Hettie is thrown into a theatrical and colourful world but one with a dark side, its young inhabitants haunted by the horror of the First World War, and stalked by the fear of the Depression to come. Then tragedy strikes, and Hettie must decide between her heart and her head, her duty and her desire!