Przedmiotem aukcji jest nowiutki album (nigdy nie byl otwierany, wciaz w oryginalnej folii).
Niestety nie mam oryginalnego opakowania kartonowego.
Wylicytowany egzemplarz albumu zostanie zapakowany w zastepcze pudelko.
Mozliwy jest odbior osobisty w Lodzi (Teofilow)
wymiary 43x30x10 to wymiary oryginalnego opakowania
(pudelka w ktorym album byl zapakowany)
rozmiar obwoluty albumu to 38,3 x 28 cm
rozmiar stron to 37,2 x 27 cm
Ze wzgledu na wyjazdy, odbior lub wysylka mozliwa tylko w srode 25.03, w czwartek 26.03, w piatek 27.03, w poniedzialek 30.03 oraz ewentualnie w nastepny czwartek i piatek tj 02.04 i 03.04
Product details
Hardcover: 464 pages
Publisher: Benedikt Taschen Verlag;
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 43.2 x 30.5 x 10.2 cm
The biggest, most lavish book production of the 20th century is back!
"Sumo" was a titanic book in every respect: a 480-page tribute to the 20th century's most influential, intriguing and controversial photographer, it broke records for weight, dimensions, and resale price.
Helmut Newton (1[zasłonięte]920-20) always demonstrated a healthy disdain for easy or predictable solutions. "Sumo" - a bold and unprecedented publishing venture - was an irresistible project. The idea of a spectacular compendium of images, a book with the dimensions of a private exhibition, reproduced to exceptional page size and to state-of-the-art origination and printing standards, emerged from an open, exploratory dialogue between photographer and publisher.
"Sumo" established new standards for the art monograph genre, and secured a prominent place in photo-book history. This new edition is the fulfillment of an ambition conceived some years ago by Helmut Newton. He would surely be pleased that, a decade on from its first publication, "Sumo" - now in a format that allows for a more democratic distribution - will reach the widest possible audience.