Make Peace with Your Heart and Heal Yourself Less
than one hundred years ago, heart disease was an
extremely rare disease. Today it kills more people in
the developed world than all other causes of death
combined. Despite the vast amount of financial resources
spent on finding a cure for heart disease, the current
medical approaches remain mainly symptom-oriented and do
not address the underlying causes. Even worse: There is
overwhelming evidence to show that the treatment of
heart disease or its presumed precursors, such as high
blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and high
cholesterol, does not only prevent a real cure but can
easily lead to chronic heart failure. The patient's
heart may still beat, but not strong enough to feel
vital and alive. Without removing the underlying causes
of heart disease and its precursors, there is little, if
any, protection against it. Heart attacks can strike
regardless whether you have had a coronary bypass done
or stents placed inside your arteries. According to
research, these procedures fail to prevent heart attacks
or reduce mortality rates. Heart Disease No More,
excerpted from the author's bestselling Timeless Secrets
of Health & Rejuvenation, puts the responsibility
for healing where it belongs, that is, to the heart,
mind and body of each individual. It provides you with
the practical insights about how heart disease develops,
what causes it and what you can do to prevent and
reverse it for good, regardless of a possible genetic