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HE BEST OF BAR - ROOM JOKES barowe dowcipy

19-01-2012, 18:48
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Koniec: 14-01-2012 20:03:03
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Mr Kitty got




The pub is probably the greatest comic arena ever devised. Who hasn't shared a laugh with a few mates against a backdrop of beer pumps, rustling crisp packets and a ruck over the quiz machine? Ironically, the very alcohol that lubricates the humour process so efficiently also rips and tears at the brain's memory cells, cruelly eliminating all recollection of those gut-busting gags you heard down the Dog and Duck the other night. However, FHM, the UK's best-selling men's magazine, is dedicated to preserving these gems of comedy. Every month the magazine publishes the best bar-room jokes heard across the land. And here, collected in one volume for the first time, are over 500 of the most hilarious, each one teased from the beer-sodden brain of an FHM reader in order to be preserved for future generations. FHM Bar-Room Jokes is illustrated with a selection of stylish but quirky cartoons to make this your must-have pocket book of laughs.

Książka w języku angielskim

 Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Carlton Books Ltd; illustrated edition edition (1 Oct 2001)
Language English
ISBN-10: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]22247
ISBN-13: 978-[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]22247
ASIN: 184[zasłonięte]476X
Product Dimensions: 19.2 x 13 x 1.8 cm


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