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Handel Babell Arne A LONDON CONCERT Naim Records

20-01-2012, 17:53
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Koniec: 16-01-2012 16:46:42

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Stan: Nowy
Opakowanie: w folii
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
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Handel, Babell, Arne, Geminiani, Veracini - John Holloway, Jaap Ter Linden, Lars Ulrik Mortensen
A London Concert - takze na HQ LP-180 G - CENA TYLKO W TYM TYGODNIU!
 Nośnik  Wydawca Cena   Waluta
 CD1  NAIM Records 39
  Opis albumu

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John Holloway (violin), Jaap ter Linden (cello) and Lars Ulrik Mortensen (harpsichord) are among the most highly respected Baroque musicians. They have performed together for many years, winning awards for their work as a trio and as individuals.

A London Concert features music by composers Handel, Babell, Arne, Geminiani, Festing and Veracini. This disc provides a unique opportunity to listen to a varied programme of the kind that would have been frequently attended by concert-goers in the 1700s. This thoughtful compilation enables the listener to hear some of Handel’s less frequently recorded music, together with rarely heard works by his contemporaries.

The disc showcases not only the music but also the trio's talent as musicians. There is a joyous feel to the music, a combination of the pieces chosen and the relish with which the trio plays.

A London Concert, the first of a planned series of recordings with the trio, was beautifully recorded by Ken Christianson at St Martins Church, East Woodhaye - a well respected venue for many fine classical recordings on labels such as ECM, Decca and Harmonia Mundi.
George Frideric Handel: Sonata in D Major, HWV 371
1. Affetuoso >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
2. Allegro >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
3. Larghetto >>> Posłuchaj fragmentu <<<
4. Allegro

William Babell
5. Transcription for Harpsichord of the Aria "Sulla ruota di fortuna" from Handel's "Rinaldo"

George Frideric Handel: Sonata in D Minor, HWV 359a
6. Grave
7. Allegro
8. Adagio
9. Allegro

Thomas Arne: Sonata in E Major
10. Adagio
11. Allegro ma Cantando

Francesco Geminiani: Sonata in A Minor, Opus 5 No.6
12. Adagio
13. Allegro Assai
14. Grave
15. Allegro
Michael Festing: Sonata in A Major, Opus 8 No.2
16. Andante
17. Allegro
18. Grave
19. Allegro

Francesco Maria Veracini: Sonata in D Minor, Opus 2 No.12
20. Passagallo: Largo Assai/Andante
21. Capriccio Chromatico: Allegro ma non Presto
22. Adagio
23. Ciaccona: Allegro ma non Presto/Passagallo
  Dodatkowe informacje
Recorded at St Martins Church, East Woodhay, Berkshire on 4 - 6 October 2000 by Ken Christianson of Pro Musica, Chicago
John Holloway - violin
Jaap Ter Linden - cello
Lars Ulrik Mortensen - harpsichord

© Produkt oryginalny

Handel Babell Arne A LONDON CONCERT Naim Records