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Haco Stereo Bugscope 00 AFTER DINER

16-02-2015, 17:31
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Koniec: 16-02-2015 17:19:45

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Haco ‎– Stereo Bugscope 00
Improvised Music From Japan ‎– IMJ-523
CD, Album
31 Oct 2004
Tracklist 1 Bugfield 1 "Start Up" - "Track Pad" With Human Operation (PowerBook G4) 4:29
2 Bugfield 2 "No Wave" - "Sleep" - "Wake Up" With Human Operation (PowerBook G4) 8:08
3 Bugfield 3 "CD Writing" - "Shut Down" With Human Operation (PowerBook G4) 5:53
4 Click From Mobile Phone With Power Off 3:49
5 Motor And LCD Sound From Digital Audio Recorder With Running Tape 2:50
6 Slow Surface Tracing Around Built-In Machine Fan (iMac) 7:18
7 Pulse From Wireless Router (AirMac Extreme) 3:27
8 Left And Right Side Of Machine Body (PowerMac G4) 5:45
9 High Frequency And Motor Sound Of Mini-Disc Recorder With Spinning Disc 5:40
10 "Start Up" - "Shut Down" With Human Operation (Vaio Notebook) 10:43

Companies etc
Recorded At – Mescalina
Design – MGX.Factory
Liner Notes [Translation] – Christopher Stephens
Photography By – Hideto Uchiike
Producer, Recorded By, Mastered By, Liner Notes [Text], Artwork – Haco
Recorded and mastered at Mescalina, Nishinomiya, Japan.

Track 1-2-3 — Sound source: computer (PowerBook G4, 667MHz, Apple) Date: Jan. 28, 2004
Track 4 — Sound source: cellular telephone (J-T010, Toshiba) Date: Jan. 4, 2004
Track 5 — Sound source: DAT player (DAT Walkman, PCM-M1, Sony) Date: Jan. 11, 2004
Track 6 — Sound source: computer (iMac 1.25 GHz, Apple) Date: Jan. 13, 2004
Track 7 — Sound source: wireless router (AirMac Extreme Blue Station, Apple) Date: Jan. 13, 2004
Track 8 — Sound source: computer (PowerBack G4 466MHz, Apple) Date: Jan. 11, 2004
Track 9 — Sound source: MD player (MD Walkman, MZ-N10, Sony) Date: Jan. 11, 2004
Track 10 — Sound source: computer (Vaio Notebook, PCG-5414, Sony) Date: Jan. 11, 2004

Acknowledgments (for their assistance and information): Daniel van Beers, Martin Tétreault, O-CAP, Sony CIC, Toshiba Mobile Communications Company, Apple Computer, Inc., and BIAS, Inc.

Packaged in heavy gatefold sleeve with bilingual (Japanese/English) insert.