Who are the victims here? To hear
liberals tell it, you’d think they do nothing but suffer
at the hands of ruthless entities like the “Republican
Attack Machine” and Fox News. Really? It’s just
another instance of the Big Lie, of course. In
Guilty, Ann Coulter explodes this myth to reveal
that when it comes to bullying, no one outdoes the Left.
For instance: • The myth of the Republican Attack
Machine: The most amazing thing liberals have done is
create the myth of a compliant right-wing media with
Republicans badgering baffled reporters into attacking
Democrats. It’s so mad, it’s brilliant. • “Brave”
liberals: In addition to being beautiful, compassionate
tribunes of the downtrodden, liberals are brave. I know
that because they’re always telling me how brave they
are. • Obambi’s luck: While B. Hussein Obama piously
condemned attacks on candidates’ families, his media and
campaign surrogates ripped open the court-sealed divorce
records of his two principal opponents in his Senate
race in Illinois. One recurring truth about liberals,
says Coulter, is that “they viciously attack all while
wailing that they are the true victims.” With
Guilty–a shockingly specific catalog of offenses
that liberals would rather we forget–Ann Coulter
presents exhibits A through Z.