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Grove - XBee Adapter Carrier f.VAT Sklep

01-05-2014, 22:34
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Użytkownik arduinosolutions
numer aukcji: 4115937912
Miejscowość Goczałkowice-Zdrój
Wyświetleń: 58   
Koniec: 01-05-2014 21:33:49

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Grove - XBee Carrier

XBee Carrier is a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) base board designed for Bee series and twigs. It is primarily suitable for standalone Bee Nodes like RFBee, Wifi Bee which have ATMega328 onboard. It is compatible with RFBee, Wifi Bee , XBee and Bluetooth Bee. Besides a Bee receptacle, there are also two Twig connectors. The board cab be powered by a lithium battery or through USB cable. You can use a Wireless charger, Solar Panel or the USB cable to charge the battery. The FT232RL chip onboard helps in downloading the program to Bee Module directly.

Bees which do not have ATMega328 like Bluetooth Bee can only be configured by using on-board FT232RL(USB to UART). Theses Bees are not suitable for standalone applications.

The on-board FT232RL can be used like any other 3.3V USB to UART interface when not connected to any Bee Modules. This is useful for programming a 3.3V MCU through Serial Port.


  • Bees compatible receptacle
  • Two twig connector - one for I2C and other for D6,D5
  • Two twig place holders
  • On-Board Charge Controller CN3063
  • On-Board 3.3V LDO Lownoise Micropower Regulator - RT9167A_33PB
  • On-board FT232RL UBS-UART IC
  • LEDs for PWR, charge indication and UART transmission.
  • Power switch
  • Reset button

Application Ideas

  • Wireless Sensor Network with Standalone Bee Node like Wifi Bee.
  • As a configuration aid for Bees using FT232RL.
  • Charger for Lithium Ion Cells using on-board charge controller.
  • As a FT232RL based 3.3v USB-UART.


Please visit wiki page for more info about this product. 


Grove - XBee CarrierGrove - XBee CarrierGrove - XBee Carrier

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